Grandma of ten doesn't want to look it!

Hi everyone, that's right I'm just turning 48 and have 10 yes that's TEN grandchildren.
I have been overweight most of my life and quite frankly I'm tired! I need some friends to help
motivate me and help me learn how to change my lifestyle. I would like to be able to motivate
others by my success, which I know I will have! hows that for positive thinking?
Good luck all!


  • shellgoff
    shellgoff Posts: 189 Member
    Hi and welcome! you've come to the right place! Set your mind to it and you can do anything!
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi we are one year apart. you can add me i'lll send a request, i love having motivators and i like motivating others. let's loose these pounds together!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Sending you a friend request....I'm 46 and also a grandmother too:) We can do this together!
  • Wildinutah8009
    Thank you, I'm sure going to give it all I got!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I'm 45 and have no grandkids yet (my son would need at least a girl friend first!) but feel free to add me as a friend, if you'd like.

    My motivational words for today: you get out of this what you put into it, so give it your all!