New here!

Hi all

Just getting started with this site, and I am hoping that by tracking my food and the other features on here it will encourage me to keep going! I have a long way to go but going to take it one day at a time :)

Any tips for this site gratefully received!

Janie x


  • colleen656
    colleen656 Posts: 25
    Hi janie welcome. i am also new to the site and feel free to friend me. so far everyone has been supportive the site is actually pretty fun. I also have alot to lose and working the site has been the best thing i have done so far in this difficult journey. I even had the lap band in January and it has not worked like this has. lost 5lbs in one week. good luck!!!!! nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!!!!
  • gsnap30
    gsnap30 Posts: 67
    Hi! I'm new here too. Only a couple of days. I do have to say I'm addicted! The encouragement on here is SOOO much more than what I thought it would be. You have so many people here that help you stay focused. My goal is to lose 40lbs. I've already lost 7 prior to joining. I feel that is will GREATly push me.