
I was picked up by a pilot program for weight loss where my lucky number 3 drew me a 6 week stint of P90X does anyone have any suggestions for me since I have NEVER done it? Thanks!


  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Your gonna love it!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    you'll like it... You'll be fine and you'll get into some nice shape and drop inches...
  • nenanvme
    nenanvme Posts: 12 Member
    I loved it!! its not easy!!
  • vinlop
    vinlop Posts: 71 Member
    Get ready to work hard! But you will love it!
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    What am I supposed to love about it? It sounds scary!
  • vinlop
    vinlop Posts: 71 Member
    I love how I feel afterwords as well as watching the inches come off and muscles start to show through.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    Is it as bad as everyone made it sound?
  • I started p90x about a month ago and its extremely hard. I don't follow the schedule.....yet. I do polymetrics (hardest) and the ab ripper since my stomach is my biggest concern. I dropped 10 pounds in a month!
  • its not BAD, its HARD!
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    good too know.... as long as it isn't dying hard lol
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    Can anyone tell me where I can find the exercise info on p90x? I typed it into the database and didn't see them
  • kgage1011
    kgage1011 Posts: 11 Member
    Advice: Pace yourself and don't expect to be able to do all the reps or sets for the duration of time. It WILL come in time though as you build your strength and endurance for it! Listen to what he says like, "Quality over Quantity." You're going to want to make sure you do them the right way as much as you can. If you cannot, then you're done and move on to the next one. BUT, push yourself and don't give in to easily. Make yourself do 2 more when you want to quit!

    Make sure you have a good resistance band and a set of weights. I use 5lbs. I may be getting 8lbs soon. But the 5lbs are pretty good to start with. You might want to start working on some push ups because you'll be doing ALL kinds.

    Get ready to feel it! It feels gooooood!

    Good luck!
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    I haven't done pushups since the military and about 70 pounds ago... I made it through the core syn dvd but I spent a lot of time doing plank position or at least moving around. Like when you are supposed to hold your weight on your bent arm and put your hips up... My shoulder held me up but not my hip so I kind of side crunched it instead. Now I just need to know what to say I burned