Introducing Myself

Hello All,
I am excited to find this site, it makes journaling so much simpler. I have been a member for several months, but have not been consistant. I am embarking on my new weight loss journey which starts Monday August 1st. I have been working on new found tools to make this the Winning Battle for me. Cannot wait to meet fellow Losers (haha) and hopefully be inspired or be an inspiration to others.

Thanks Mike dor creating a great place of support and education.


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
  • dunsu47
    dunsu47 Posts: 13
    Hi There, I joined a week ago and so glad I did. It really does help with keeping track of everything, and I happy I have included every bite I have sense in lying to myself...It is also so nice to meet as you say, fellow losers. Knowing we are not alone makes a really big difference.

    It's a struggle in a world where all you see is food, huge portions and then the next ad is for weight loss products...we seem to be caught at every turn. Well last week I said ENOUGH and have felt better ever since. Working out at our local YMCA, brand spanking new! Eating better and tapering way off on the diet sodas. We can do it, we just have to focus and never loose sight of who we are, and what we can achieve.
  • suggagina
    suggagina Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome, and don't forget to have fun in your journey:)