Weight Loss Struggle

nicoleleigh33 Posts: 24
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss

I am currently to the end of my 2nd week of being on MFP....I have been semi impressed with it. I lost 2 lbs my first week and dont weigh in again until Monday. My question for you all is: do you have any secrets that you can share to those that are having a hard time losing the weight, but are following the restricted calories to the t, drinking water, and working out? Can you please shed some light and positive thoughts about that?


  • No one has any suggestions???
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member

    I am currently to the end of my 2nd week of being on MFP....I have been semi impressed with it. I lost 2 lbs my first week and dont weigh in again until Monday. My question for you all is: do you have any secrets that you can share to those that are having a hard time losing the weight, but are following the restricted calories to the t, drinking water, and working out? Can you please shed some light and positive thoughts about that?

    In my honest opinion, nothing is going to "work" unless you are disciplined and ready to sacrifice all the gluttony you put forth to become obese, overweight, or out of shape. My OB doctor told me this when he told me I really need to lose weight after I had my son. Chances are most of us, no matter our weight probably has the knowledge of a RD, or close to it but til we're ready inside, we're not going to succeed on the outside.
  • cillytilly
    cillytilly Posts: 243
    One of the things that has been really helpful for me is to avoid preproccessed food. Yes you might be within your calories but your body needs the nutrients of the fresh fruits, veggies, and lean proteins. Make sure that you don't starve yourself. When you do your body gets mad at you. I learned this after starting MFP that on days I worked out I wasn't eating enough. Raw almonds are your friend. Take your measurements on weeks you don't lose weight sometimes inches have disappeared.

    The journey is never easy but sometimes thow people you meet along the way are the bright spots that help light that path. I have met some absolutely amazing people through MFP people I would never have met without it and they are some of the most inspiring people.
  • cdupuie84
    cdupuie84 Posts: 20
    Eat less, exercise more. Theres no secret or magic tricks, otherwise everyone would be skinny. It's a LOT of work. It's worth it, just stick with it. Good luck on your weight loss journey! :)
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    The scale is not always the most reliable measurement of success. Some weeks you will do everything right and stay the same (or gain). Some weeks you will be over your calories, yet lose.

    My advice is to keep doing what your doing - the scale will eventually come down. Take your measurements, and take pictures. It may be hard for you to see your progress. It took me 30 pounds before I actually noticed the changes myself. Others noticed -- it just took me alot longer. I wish I had taken measurements / before pictures when I first started.

    Set other goals for yourself that don't rely on the scale. Do you have an exercise goal?

    Two pounds is a great first start! Make sure that your goals are realistic enough that you can stick with it. I am shooting for 1 pound / week, or at about 1400 net calories / day. I found that it was much easier to slow the weight loss down and making this a real lifestyle change vs. making an additional 200 calorie / day cut, which I wouldn't be able to sustain. To me, that 200 calories made a big difference!

    Good luck on your journey!
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