Weight Loss Warriors..... (Closed Group)



  • amanda_100283
    Hi Everyone!!!

    This is NurseMeeka ....... I am aiming to drop 10 lbs. My current weight: 197... goal for August 190 (want to be realistic)
    I was posting everywhere but the right place..lol... The captain will be posting our banner soon that I put together... I hope you all like it!!!


    Please feel free to stop by and say hello...give a little motivation and encouragement.. I will do the same... ;))

    Hey, could you please post our banner. I'm kind of a ding bat and can't get it to work. :-) I would really appreciate it.

    Thank you,

  • amanda_100283
    Ok, here is a little about me.

    I am 27yrs old. I live in Arizona. I have a boyfriend that I have been with for 5yrs and two crazy bloodhounds. I was never over weight until about 6yrs ago. It took me 6 months to gain 40lbs and it has taken about 5yrs to start to lose it. I am super excited about MFP and all the amazing people that help me daily to stay focused. I am also stoked about our team because I think we have a great group of people. Here is to our team and winning this thing!!
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    What is an up and down exercise?
  • amanda_100283
    What is an up and down exercise?

    I will send you the link that Gary sent me to demonstrate these.
  • CherrySourz
    Evening Warriors! How's everyone doing on day 1?

    I have done my 100 Jumping Jacks and drank 70oz of water. It's harder for me to drink this water because I work in milileters so I am having to convert my water drinkage! lol

    Anyways, Day 1 done and under calorie goal and over excerise time goal :)

    Hope everyone else is good

    Lyndsay xx
  • amanda_100283
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    Ok, thanks.
  • CherrySourz
    Day 2 challenge Completed + 70 oz of water again :)
  • bcrugbygirl
    bcrugbygirl Posts: 43 Member
    Day 2 challenge done <3
    My nieces and nephew are so adorable
    I got the email once we got home from seeing the smurf (smurftastic movie btw =))
    anyways they were seeing me check my mfp and asked what it was about
    i told them about it and how im doing a challenge of sort and I had all these daily challenges to do over the next month to help get healthy so before you know it i have my 11 yr old niece cierra doing them my skinny mini 9 yr old tristan my 4 year old nephew jacob AND my best friend doing the jumping jacks with me ... her mum downstairs thought we were all sounding like we were going to come through the floor lol ...
    Tristan said she wanted to do them with me if i was going to see them so whenever i go over now shes expecting to do all this exercise with my its great <3

    for todays exercise i went to run.fm and tracked my distance it was awesome
    1 mile = 1.6 kilometers which isnt that bad at all ... i love this site you can go your routes and track the distance you have done <3

  • amanda_100283
    Day 2 challenge done <3
    My nieces and nephew are so adorable
    I got the email once we got home from seeing the smurf (smurftastic movie btw =))
    anyways they were seeing me check my mfp and asked what it was about
    i told them about it and how im doing a challenge of sort and I had all these daily challenges to do over the next month to help get healthy so before you know it i have my 11 yr old niece cierra doing them my skinny mini 9 yr old tristan my 4 year old nephew jacob AND my best friend doing the jumping jacks with me ... her mum downstairs thought we were all sounding like we were going to come through the floor lol ...
    Tristan said she wanted to do them with me if i was going to see them so whenever i go over now shes expecting to do all this exercise with my its great <3

    for todays exercise i went to run.fm and tracked my distance it was awesome
    1 mile = 1.6 kilometers which isnt that bad at all ... i love this site you can go your routes and track the distance you have done <3


    Kids are too funny aren't they? It's just another form of motivation for you which is great!! Congrats on getting today's challenge done as well, the check-ins are starting to roll in for today which is very exciting!! Keep up the good work.

  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    How much of the up and downs counts as one rep? I watched the youtube video and I am so confused...
  • Christina269
    I think 1 rep is is a full cycle - from jump to jump - you know what I mean??

    Yeah - i so can't do those like the guy on the video... Maybe that's a new goal -- to be able to rock the whole M-100 routine!
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    oh, I think I get what you are talking about. Those workouts are going to kill me but I'll do them anyway! With my hrm on see see the burn!
  • kysue1029
    kysue1029 Posts: 97 Member
    oh, I think I get what you are talking about. Those workouts are going to kill me but I'll do them anyway! With my hrm on see see the burn!

    Great idea! :)
  • kysue1029
    kysue1029 Posts: 97 Member
    I am so excited, because today I finally got my heart rate monitor AND a food scale! I am really excited, because now I feel like I can be really accurate!!!

    Keep up the good work team!

    ETA: Amanda, I can't remember if I told you that I met all of the requirements yesterday!
  • amanda_100283
    I am so excited, because today I finally got my heart rate monitor AND a food scale! I am really excited, because now I feel like I can be really accurate!!!

    Keep up the good work team!

    ETA: Amanda, I can't remember if I told you that I met all of the requirements yesterday!

    Thank you!!