First day on MFP :)

Hey everyone! Today is my first day using this application. I'm a 23 year old female weighing more now than I did at the end of my pregnancy 2 years ago. :/ I've always been the fat one in my life and it's time to make some changes while I still can. After reading a many of your posts, I feel confident that this will be the time I will succeed at finally losing weight. I just joined the gym at my work and am very excited to see what's to come. If there are any other people within my age range, please help me stay motived and we can all acheive our goals!


  • peasgarden
    peasgarden Posts: 148 Member
    Yay!!! Welcome!!! Feel free to add me!!! :)
  • themrsbriggs
    themrsbriggs Posts: 151 Member
    me too :)
  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    Welcome! I'm on day 5 and loving it.
  • Emily4H
    Emily4H Posts: 170
    Welcome and good luck with your journey!!! We are all here for you! You got this - you will see!
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I've been on MFP for about a month, and it's the only calorie counter that has worked for me. Love it. Welcome!
  • sayambular
    sayambular Posts: 205
    Welcome and good luck on your journey!!!!
  • XxBri22xX
    XxBri22xX Posts: 183
    welcome! feel free to add me! (:
  • CherrySourz
    Welcome! You're gonna love it here! I've sent an add :)
  • boringdanielle
    boringdanielle Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome!! You can add me if you like!!
  • jgouldsmith
    You can do it!!! Welcome, lot's of people here for support. Sent you a friend request.
  • youngmum
    youngmum Posts: 114
    hello & welcome :)
  • youngmum
    youngmum Posts: 114
    hello & welcome :)
  • herzo1852
    herzo1852 Posts: 12
    Good luck to you - I am two thirds of the way through my third week and I can honestly say this is the FIRST time I have felt in control and I know this is going to work. I don't know what is different this time, but I love the way I can choose what I want to eat, and if it's not something that healthy then I know what I have to do to get back on track - I have to exercise.

    I have tried Jenny Craig and Weightwatchers in the past, but they were too restrictive for my allergies and not flexible enough to accommodate my lifestyle.

    I think you will find MFP flexible and its members are very encouraging - afterall, we're all in the same boat together, whether we need to lose 20 pounds or 200!

    Personally, I'd love to be 125 pounds - currently I am around 217 - but started at 229.4.

    Just stick with it, and if you have the urge to reach for your comfort foods etc, or someone else gets you down, just make sure the voice inside your head is saying, "no, this won't help me long term and they are not going to beat me down this time".

    I am an emotional eater, and this past few weeks have been very emotional personally with all sorts of stuff happening, and since MFP I am not, I repeat NOT, turning to food to solve the problems for the first time ever, instead I am using exercise to exorcise those demons.

    Good luck and keep smiling!!!

  • brenda_allport
    Welcome....This site has changed the way I view my diet and exercise plans. It will do the same for you. Best of luck on this journey. Feel free to add me if you want.