"Losing It" Week 2

Hey there how are yall doing???

Weeks challenge
Health: no eatting past two hours before you do to bed
Personal: stop one bad habit of yours this week (biting nails etc.)

I'm really trying to keep this together but not a lot of people are doing this so I tink I'm just gonna keep this on the website!!!!!!



  • GettingThin08
    Hey there how are yall doing???

    Weeks challenge
    Health: no eatting past two hours before you do to bed
    Personal: stop one bad habit of yours this week (biting nails etc.)

    I'm really trying to keep this together but not a lot of people are doing this so I tink I'm just gonna keep this on the website!!!!!!

  • PurdyMommy
    PurdyMommy Posts: 378 Member

    Thanks I needto stop bitting my nails soooo bad! hehe
  • ranaelynn
    ranaelynn Posts: 115 Member
    I wll join in as well. I will not eat after 8p. I dont bit my nails so I'm actually going to promise to do something else. I have a quilt I need to get done for a christmas present but have been putting off because I am avoiding sitting still to much. SO instead of watching tv after 8 which only tempts me more to eat I will work on that quilt for an hour each night!
  • mamaof2girls
    mamaof2girls Posts: 332 Member
    I will not eat after 7pm and I will change all of my bad thoughts about myself into positive ones.
  • Mimiche
    I'll join, I don't have much to lose, but Christmas is coming up and I wanna look and feel really good, ecspecially since I haven't seen my friends and family in five monthes!!

    I don't ever eat past supper time, so thats an easy goal for me. But I tend to snack more during the day, I usually snack on gronola which has alot of sugar! I will try to cut gronola out of my diet unless I'm eating some with yogurt!

    I will also try to stop biting my lip when I'm bored, its a terrible habit!

    Thanks, I'm really happy to commit to something, it might give me support and motovation to stick to it!
  • cinrosier
    Here are my measurements for this week. I did forget to weight in this morning I will do it on monday.
    neck 14
    chest 45
    upper arm 17
    waist 40
    hips 49 1/2
    thigh 31
    these are definitely different than last week. I didnt measure in the right places last time. I did lose 3/4's in the waist. 3/4's in the hips and 1/2 in the thighs. I have been doing a lot of walking and I feel pretty good.
    I will not eat past 7pm. I will start thinking positive thoughts instead of all the negative ones that I do now.
    Thank you for putting this together.
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    No eating past 8 and no sweets!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I have been doing really bad this week. Its like when I trip I fall and its a snowball effect. Back on track this week. Only one sweet during the week. Does anyone have any hints on the sweet tooth cravings?? Any little bit helps. :drinker:
  • happy_feet
    happy_feet Posts: 175 Member
    I will not eat beyond 9pm... (cant eat earlier , dats d earliest tym I get back home from work):frown:

    Bad habit: I will not cry after a fight wid Bf....still better, I will not fight wid him!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I will not eat past 7 p.m. (bedtime is usually 9, hehe, I get up at 4:30 :smile: ). One of my biggest downfalls is going out to dinner with my boyfriend, overeating and then lying to myself about how the calories are going to add up! So, when we go out this week, I will cut back and control myself. :heart:
  • cinrosier
    here it is 222.6 I lost weight woohoo. Good luck this week.
  • laurabelle25
    Well, no eating 2 hours before bed is a snap. I am usually still stuffed from supper! So nothing after 7:30 (go to bed super early, b/c i get up at 4:30)

    And the little personal goal....I have no idea, I really need to quit smoking, but I think i'm going to try and not drink any alcohol on Fri and Sun. (I'm still leaving sat. open because I need at least one day a week.) I did ok last week w/ only drinking water, except I had two beers friday night (but that's better than the 6 i usually have) and then i went tailgating at a football game on sat. and drank. but!, I didn't drink at all on Sun. yeah!

    So far no change on weight, i'm upping my calories to 1500 and seeing if that helps.

  • ranaelynn
    ranaelynn Posts: 115 Member
    I have been doing really bad this week. Its like when I trip I fall and its a snowball effect. Back on track this week. Only one sweet during the week. Does anyone have any hints on the sweet tooth cravings?? Any little bit helps. :drinker:

    I always carry around sugerless gum and at night if I feel a must snack urge coming on and just dont want to work my way through a bag of veggies I pop popcorn in my air popcorn popper. This is both cheaper than buying microwave popcorn and better for you as you control what gets added to the popcorn (salt and butter) I use the a bit of spary butter on mine. A whole bowl this way really doesnt ad up to much and you get to feel like you really ate something.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Well, I don't have my measurements, but I dropped 4 pounds!! I checked the scale on three separate ocassions today just to make sure . . . and, yes . . . even though I feel like I haven't been as true to my plan as possible over this past weekend . . . four pounds of me are gone. I will never see those four pounds again. I am SO happy to see them go! Bye bye poundage! :laugh:

    I am in shock, lol
  • GettingThin08
    sorry yall this week aint as good as last week entry...its just my schadule has change so much..for two weeks I didnt work but on sunday...and now my job has me working all week and not only that but my bf went on the night shift at work...and so I pick him up at 3am and then my days starts...its hard...sorry yall...
  • Mimiche
    It's ok, its tough to worry about weightloss when everything in your life is so hectic! Getting to be that time of the year tho, Christmas pressure (So many chocolates out and about! And the President's Choice commercials about the Dolce de Leche cheese cake doesn't help either!!), and school is starting to wind down and getting into final exams and projects.
    I ate pretty bad yesterday, the cafe at my school was selling cheap baking, and I opted for Banana Bread and a teaspoon of margarine. Do you know how long its been since I've had margarine?! Since I moved out of my parents house 4 monthes ago! It was a good little treat but now I'm worried that I'll slip into my buttery days :P
    Still managed to lose half a pound though. But been trying to incorportate more strength training and toning excersizes into my workout, and not all cardio! Good luck everyone within week three!
  • laurabelle25
    Well not to be a downer, but i haven't been doing very good this week either. I haven't exercised once. I've went over on my cal. almost everyday (monday was the worst) but the rest of the week hasn't been that bad. It's been the worst month! Not only does my dad have cancer, I just got laid off on Mon. So now i'm trying to look for a new job and NO ONE is hiring, i've applied for like 50 jobs and have only got one call back. :sad: :explode:

    Well that's my rant, i'm going to give myself this week, then start up again next week. so hopefully by weigh in at the end of the week i'll be ok.

  • mamaof2girls
    mamaof2girls Posts: 332 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!!

    I have been doing really well this week actually. I am really proud of myself. A couple of times I didn't want to work out but I made myself do it, and I feel so much better!! I have not been eating after 7pm (which isn't hard for me anyway) and I have not been putting myself down when I look in the mirror. I just tell myself that I am a work in progress :laugh: How is everyone else doing this week? Hope you are all doing well, and those that were not have turned it around!
  • PurdyMommy
    PurdyMommy Posts: 378 Member
    I havent bit my nails.. I AM SO HAPPY!