running with stroller?

I have been running (jogging) Every morning (almost) I started at two miles about 6 weeks ago I am at four miles now My mile time has dropped from 9 min. to 8 min. during this time. I have a couple of questions. I drink alot of water I can loose 5 pounds during a jog. I never get de hydrated I don't feel thirsty and don't stop sweating ... I usually drink about 5 litres of water through out the day (work takes some water from me as well) I feel great should I drink more water? Am I on the verge of de hydration ? I eat oat meal with honey and 1% milk cold for breakfast after my run. during the day I am busy and don't have a big lunch I snack I'll have an apple at 9 a granola bar at 10 a cheese stick at 11 and some other treat at noon is this OK? I fill so many calories at night like 70% come after I get off from work is this normal? and I was wondering if jogging with my kids in the stroller was more or less of a work out?