Why did you have a baby????!!!!!!



  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Free house cleaning..... If you have to ask why, you probably are not ready or probably shouldn't. You have to have lots of love for someone other than yourself. Ok, maybe having a baby brings that out in you gradually...
  • BamaMomma
    BamaMomma Posts: 53
    because he didn't want to stay in for more than 9 months! LOL.

    if you want a baby, even at 34, it's okay. i would suggest getting with your doctor or a specialist to make sure it's okay for you, personally...all women are different. some may be healthy enough for a pregnancy and childbirth, others may not. there are certain risks you take when you're an older woman having a baby, but that's why you should talk with a pro! :) BEST WISHES!
  • pacmanjack
    pacmanjack Posts: 866 Member

    Why did you have a baby????!!!!!!

    Well you see... when a man and a woman really love each other.....
  • piezoeyjune
    piezoeyjune Posts: 186 Member
    I been debating this idea,being Im 34 now.I have no children and havent tried.I wonder if its even a good thing to bring one into this world with all the problems and fighting and all the worries I would have and the kid/kids.I have been watching 2 babies the last 4 days and its been rough Im thinking I want ONE if that lol I just was curious why people have them? I know it sounds stupid but Im serious. What do you think???:smile:

    Im 40 and I ask the same question.
    Become a nanny. Then you get all the benefits with none of the pain/life change/hassle...
    At least take care of children/infants (under 2) for 1 year. If you still want them after that have at it...
    Sorry to be so sarcastic.
    I have many other reasons why I havent had kids but thats not pertinent to your questions...
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    I been debating this idea,being Im 34 now.I have no children and havent tried.I wonder if its even a good thing to bring one into this world with all the problems and fighting and all the worries I would have and the kid/kids.I have been watching 2 babies the last 4 days and its been rough Im thinking I want ONE if that lol I just was curious why people have them? I know it sounds stupid but Im serious. What do you think???:smile:

    (edited, I've now read your other posts describing how you deeply you feel about the kids you watch over, I second the other posters idea of being an au pair... It seems like in your original post you had no previous desire to have your own kiddos before, so I responded with the following:)

    If you have to ask this, then you probably shouldn't. Especially if you are that ambivalent or feel under the biological gun just because of your age. I ALWAYS wanted to be a mommy. Sure, the first pregnancy kinda fell into my lap at 19 because I believed my boot-camp amenorrhea would last indefinitely, but ever since I've been a hard-core believer in BC methods where it's pretty difficult to have "oops" babies AND where even my guy feels involved; a patch he can see, an IUD thread he can feel, a BBT & Billings chart he helps keep, etc. My others were planned and much desired. Never regretted any of them. Who does? For the record, I'm the type who can't stand anyone else's kids though.

    There's a CFBC group on here that you can probably find by running a search. Something you should look into. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/291521-any-child-free-by-choice-people-out-there?hl=Child+free+by+choice

    I have a CFBC aunt who uses a past date-rape experience as her reason for "not wanting to bring a child into this world", which sounds to me like the equivalent of her saying that one event made HER OWN entire life not worth living. Heck, I've been through similar while kidnapped for two days and left with broken bones but it didn't stop me from wanting children or living my life. It's like boycotting breathing because you smelled a skunk on a road-trip once. Just sayin'.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I don't have children yet as I'm broke and going to school to get a degree, some accomplishments and do something I want to do. I am married and have been for over two years and we both aren't ready.

    The big thing for us is finances, we barely make enough for two people to be happy let alone 3 or more. I guess also being 23 I feel like I still have some years to be irresponsible! (Not the devastating kind lol) I really want children because I want little kids to play with and enrich their lives. I want to see people that look like me and that were given a chance to live thanks to myself.

    I'd love to be there to watch a person succeed from the start and I bet it is so fulfilling to see what work you put into a child make a independent person. I also think its part of a well rounded life to have children and your own family.

    Hopefully they will want to be around when they grow up, have their own kids and lives, and give me company when I'm old. Plus I've never felt unconditional love before, maybe with my husband, but not mother kind of love and I'd like to know what that's like.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    Cause this looked SWEEEET in the back of my car!

  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    'Cause I couldn't convince anyone else to have mine for me.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    cause i got pregnant! lol

    but seriously my life is better because of my kids. Personally, when you have your own kids you will truly understand what unconditional love really means as well as your patience will be tested. when its your baby, getting up in the middle of the night to feed him/her sucks but you dont care. You will do anything for your kids.

    I wouldnt have it any other way. however some people shouldnt have kids PERIOD. No one can tell you when its a good time or whether or not you should have kids or why you should. Its up to you. But i will say having my son in my 30s vs having my daughter in my 20s is a huge difference. Im way better prepared this time around then i was in my 20s. The stress level was way lower. Instead of thinking about how i was going to afford diapers i was able to enjoy the entire experience and the most stress i was worried about was going into labor while my husband was out of town.

    My kids make me want to be better. I love those little toots with all my heart and soul and would take a bullett for them!

    and from some of the other posts little ranch hands are awesome to have around. their punishment is cleaning toilets! right now i have a pre-teen and a 5 year old. I might have the cleanest toilets in the hood! mwuahahaha :devil:
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Condoms don't work all the time. That's an annoying lesson to learn the hard way.

    Decided to go ahead with the pregnancy and have her because there wasn't really very concrete reason not to, even with the more challenging circumstances for her father and me. And despite trepidations or tough circumstances, you'll be hard-pressed to every regret the decision to have kids. Once they're in your life, it's impossible to imagine them not being there, and you love them unconditionally. You can still not like other people's kids, but man, you will love the crap out of yours, no matter what.

    With that being said, we're not having another one. I never wanted kids in the first place, and neither did he, and she is plenty of child-rearing experience for the both of us. It's nice knowing I won't have to go through those annoying stages more than once.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Birth control+antibiotics= BIG surprise. Apparently that happens often but no one warned me of that at age 20. Best moment of ignorance in my life..

    If you want one, don't wait until it's too late to have one. I've watch many women struggle to get pregnant later in life and the regret of not doing it sooner. Regardless, planned or accidental, it really is the most unbelievable and unexplainable feeling of love to have a child.
  • kayleeblue
    kayleeblue Posts: 273
    welllllllll.....where to start... the advice I have given my 2 boys and anyone else in the last 21 years..Don't get married and don't have kids! I would never give up my boys now that I have them (19 and 20.5) Every child is different, they have different needs and personalities. If you are prepared to give up life as you know it and love something more then life it's self..be a mom. And remember this... the worry...... it never stops! From the time you learn you are carrying a baby until the day YOU die..you worry about EVERYTHING 24/7. I Love My Boys more then life it's self...and sometimes...wish I could have another. Good Luck!