10 Questions



  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    every MFPer has an answer to:

    1. What are your starting, current and goal weights? 168, 138, 135
    2. What's been the hardest thing since beginning your weight-loss journey? balancing a fun social life with my friends and a healthy-freak attitude i'd like to acquire
    3. What's your favourite exercise? I could do abs all day. and be happy! I don't really like to jog, but I enjoy the release of stress it gives me.
    4. What's your favourite healthy snack? almonds or hummus and cauliflower.
    5. What's your favourite unhealthy snack/ treat? cookies. red velvet cake.
    6. What's your favourite physical feature? hair. i have fabulous hair.
    7. What's your least favourite physical feature? my stomach...as a trainer at the gym told me "your stomach just don't seem to want to let go of its winter coat" (THANKS)
    8. How did you find MFP? looking for a calorie counting website
    9. What's your favourite thing about MFP? it's nice to have the forums...none of my friends are really into the whole "healthy" thing haha
    10. What's one bit of advice you'd offer to newcomers? if you slip, get back on as soon as possible. diligence is most important over the long run. If you're diligent and serious about this, you can't screw up too badly. Always recover.
  • njksharp
    njksharp Posts: 60 Member
    1. What are your starting, current and goal weights? 172, 158, 135
    2. What's been the hardest thing since beginning your weight-loss journey? eating enough calories
    3. What's your favourite exercise? yoga
    4. What's your favourite healthy snack? pineapple
    5. What's your favourite unhealthy snack/ treat? red wine
    6. What's your favourite physical feature? smile
    7. What's your least favourite physical feature? my legs
    8. How did you find MFP? good friend introduced me
    9. What's your favourite thing about MFP? all of it
    10. What's one bit of advice you'd offer to newcomers? take it one day at a time and do not beat yourself up if your over your calories.
  • KT_3009
    KT_3009 Posts: 1,042 Member
    1. What are your starting, current and goal weights? 158, 148.6, 120
    2. What's been the hardest thing since beginning your weight-loss journey? Being motivated enough to exercise and make more meals
    3. What's your favourite exercise? Yoga and incline treadmill
    4. What's your favourite healthy snack? Cucumber and passionfruit
    5. What's your favourite unhealthy snack/ treat? Hawaiian Pizza and chocolate
    6. What's your favourite physical feature? Eyes
    7. What's your least favourite physical feature? Thighs, hips and arms
    8. How did you find MFP? A friend had it
    9. What's your favourite thing about MFP? The amazing community of people
    10. What's one bit of advice you'd offer to newcomers? Don't rush into it, keep being motivated and learn to enjoy exercise
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    edited October 2015
    1. 210, 180, 150 last time I checked.
    2. Logging accuracy, especially in restaurants
    3. Horseback riding
    4. Anything. I'm not picky about that!
    5. Chocolate
    6. That's a tough one. Back, I guess.
    7. Stomach and "bye-bye flaps"
    8. My dietician turned me on to it in order to help me lose tons of unhealthy weight.
    9. It makes honest logging so easy, and the community is über-friendly. You guys rock!
    10. Remember, all food is fuel for the body if used properly. There is no "forbidden fruit," unless of course you are allergic/intolerant of it.