Feeling old, ugly and fat..

angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
edited September 30 in Chit-Chat
I know I'm going through a moment of probably depression but here it goes. I don't know wth I dreamt of but I woke up feeling so old, fat and ugly to the point I made myself cry. Yesterday when I was training, my evil trainer said "come on you're only 47" I was was like WTF. Then I came home and my husband tells me so is the old lady going to shower and sleep. Maybe, That's what has sparked this. Regardless right now I want to put a paper bag over my head crawl in a hole and die. Sorry for the cry me a river moment.


  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    Honey! I just looked at your photo and wondered if you were even old enough to drink. Cut it out! You're beautiful! And if your struggling with depression, exercise has been shown to be more effective than medication in some cases. Dry your eyes little angel. Today starts anew.
  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    Honey! I just looked at your photo and wondered if you were even old enough to drink. Cut it out! You're beautiful! And if your struggling with depression, exercise has been shown to be more effective than medication in some cases. Dry your eyes little angel. Today starts anew.

    i thought the same. i'm not saying this to be sympathetic but you look incredibly young. :heart:
  • camille97
    camille97 Posts: 91
    Yeah, um... Get a new personal trainer. It's their job to be encouraging and instructive, not rude and condescending.
    As for the husband, maybe you were just feeling a little burned out and sensitive so it hurt more than it should have? :)

    And you, you are beautiful, strong and it's completely okay to feel down once in a while.

    <3 Feel better.
  • JeffGDDG
    JeffGDDG Posts: 252 Member
    :-( Sometimes things just hit us the wrong way. Find a new trainer if that one rubs you wrong. You're paying for it. Short-sheet your hubby's side of the bed. You're doing a great job! Hang in there.
  • Exercise and Depression go hand and hand when I don't exercise i'm down but when I do I"m great keep it up you look awesome. I'm 49 and depression has been with me all the time so exercise is what "cured" me I have lost 70 lbs over the last 3
    years, Ran 11 5ks and will be doing my 2nd triathlon.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    That's terrible. Why would anyone say something so negative to you? I am a little older than you, 54, and weigh almost the same. My goal is also 150. I don't feel like a fat old lady. I used to weigh 197. That's when I felt like a fat old lady, lol. I'm heavy at 170 yes but don't feel old. And I'm losing. If anything I'm feeling younger every day. Don't let them get you down. You aren't old. How I wish I was 47 again.
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    Seriously? I agree with the first person that commented...I honestly thought you weren't even 21, and thought "what is this old business?" 47? No WAY!!! I don't buy it.

    And don't let those comments get to you...trust me on that, been there done that. I've been doing this since last Oct and I have gotten many comments that I didn't care for. Don't beat yourself up because of what other people say...

    I struggle with depression too...so I know how that goes....but it's important to focus on the positives....I actually started writing a "daily positives" blog each day to keep me focused on what is important...

    Best of luck :D
  • jayb123x
    jayb123x Posts: 138
    I looked at your profile and honestly don't see any reason for the self loathing. You are attractive and not at all 'fat'. I can see feeling the sting of being called 10 years older than your actual age but it was probably an honest mistake by your trainer. You look great! Keep your head up and when you reach your goal the victory will be rewarding. Just my .02
  • Stacera
    Stacera Posts: 347 Member
    WOW... I do understand the depression.. it has got the best of me in the past but looking at your pic... you're not old or ugly.. pretty sure from your stats you're not fat either. You have to go into working out and your day to day activities as ... I am turning into a better me everyday... keep pushing on.. in a silent way tell everyone to shove it. don't hurt yourself but... keep on with the positives.. I have to write myself positive affirmations and put them up around my mirror from time to time.. but trust me honey... you're not old, ugly and fat.. you're vibrant, lovely and kickin booty!!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Just wait until you are old, ugly, and fat. Enjoy being young because it doesn't last forever.
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Thanks Guys. I'm taking a quick bath and going to hit the gym hard. See y'all later.
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    Honey! I just looked at your photo and wondered if you were even old enough to drink. Cut it out! You're beautiful! And if your struggling with depression, exercise has been shown to be more effective than medication in some cases. Dry your eyes little angel. Today starts anew.

    i thought the same. i'm not saying this to be sympathetic but you look incredibly young. :heart:

    Same here - I thought you were barely pushing the legal drinking age. Keep up the exercise - it WILL help!!!
  • traceyj3
    traceyj3 Posts: 13
    I'm 41 and I've had those days, and it's ok to feel less than full of happiness sometimes. What I do to get myself back is think of all the things that are great in my life, that we can take for granted. I had a health scare earlier this year and it really makes you SEE things.
    Every day I am thankful that I woke up and I am alive and can move around (some days better than others). I have a roof over my head, food to eat, and my family, friends, and pets to love and they love me. I am thankful for the beauty in nature and the wonderful internet that we can use and connect with strangers across the globe, and educate ourselves in so many things at the touch of a button....
    there's always someone who has it worse...health-wise, financially, whatever.
    These are the thoughts that remind me also why I want to keep going with the weight loss too.
    So if I feel bad or down for a while, I let myself feel that way for a little while, then pick myself up and move on.
    Hope this helps...:)
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Honey! I just looked at your photo and wondered if you were even old enough to drink. Cut it out! You're beautiful! And if your struggling with depression, exercise has been shown to be more effective than medication in some cases. Dry your eyes little angel. Today starts anew.

    i thought the same. i'm not saying this to be sympathetic but you look incredibly young. :heart:

    exercise helps alot with depression...good luck:flowerforyou:
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    you need a bicycle - bicycling makes you feel like a kid again
    play with your kids, play hide & seek - I used to go 'creeking' with my kids at your age, take them on nature walks & explore the creeks & stuff - see the world thru your kids' eyes and it's all new & fascinating again
    'camp out' with them in the back yard & tell campfire stories - I even went roller skating
    Have fun, you're not old but life is too short not to enjoy it
    Learn something new every day or week - exercise your brain - then you'll realize how much you DON'T know and you're really just a student
    above all, DRINK YOUR WATER and get enough sleep - insomnia ages a person (sigh)
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    if u ask me b4 looking at ur profile i thot u r in ur twenties and u r not obese u r just outta shape need to tone up
  • BobertC
    BobertC Posts: 123
    I get that way too, but Like you I'm not old. keep your head up
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I have days where I feel old, ugly & fat too
    I'm so sorry you were talked to in such a manner by your trainer.
    I agree with the others, find another one that is encouraging & uplifting.
    As far as your hubby goes, maybe what he said hit harder than usual bcuz
    you were already stunned by the ignorant words of your trainer?
    Hang in there sweetie. You're doing wonderfully!!!
    And you certainly don't look old. =)
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Thank you everyone for your support. I went to the gym and kicked my butt, so now I feel alot better. I saw my trainer and he explained he was playing around. I seriously think I'm just dwelling on the whole age issue. Ehhh. Life goes on. I'm going to have a great day! I love MFP support!
  • JsGirl93
    JsGirl93 Posts: 1,156
    Aw, honey, your gorgeous! But, I do know how you feel! I'll be 37 in a few weeks & my oldest wll be 18 soon. It's hitting me like a ton of bricks! Not to mention my husband regularly calls me " the old lady "... ugh! Really?! That's what my Dad calls my Mom! Lol
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