Are most obese people addicted to food or do they



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I think it is something in the brain. I know there is a part of your brain that tells you you are full. I think in some people it doesn't work right and makes people over eat.
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    My problem used to be fast food. I didn't have the patience to cook with such a busy schedule so I would just eat out all of the time. I started to become addicted to it, and would have a ***** fit if my Husband didn't want to go to a fast food that day. I have since gotten over it, but it was very hard and I still have days where I would LOVE to go through a drive-thru.
  • missxchelly
    missxchelly Posts: 180
    I think it is something in the brain. I know there is a part of your brain that tells you you are full. I think in some people it doesn't work right and makes people over eat.

    People over eat sometimes, but then they're stomachs grow bigger and can put down a lot of food. The whole US is about fast, fast, fast. In and out. People don't sit and enjoy food either. They scarf it down their face and don't allow their bodies time to feel full.
  • veggiepug
    veggiepug Posts: 82
    I do think some people (obese or not) can have a true addiction to food. I am technically obese (about 40 lbs overweight) but I think it more so has to do with bad habits I've developed over time, and not learning about proper nutrition or exercise until my 20s. I was always skinny until college, but I never learned how to cool or eat right. I slowly packed on the pounds over the last 6 - 7 years. Sometimes I feel out of control with my eating, but I don't think it's a true food addiction. I do think food addiction can be very real for some people, though.
  • little_gothic_girl
    little_gothic_girl Posts: 22 Member
    i know that with me, it started with self medication, i developed depression at a young age and food made me feel good. I could just take it in my room and eat and eat. By the time i was in my late teens it was a full blown addiction, when i was stressed or depressed or lonely food was my first response. I could be stuffed, but if someone mentioned food my stomach would growl and i would feel like i was starving... and it wouldn't go away until i ate. I have worked VERY hard to put this behind me, but just like other addictions... one day at a time...
  • rankailie
    rankailie Posts: 144
    I'm fat and it had nothing to do with a food addiction. It had everything to do with having a job that's stressful and I sit at primarily, and being short on time and as a result eating bad processed (quick) food.

    Its probably why now that I'm making better food decisions and being more aware of it I'm doing better without dying for or wanting more to eat.

    But yeah no emotional attachments or addictions to food, though I will admit I miss french fries and get salt cravings during certain times of the month but I think that's relatively normal.
  • SwtKittN
    SwtKittN Posts: 176 Member
    I don't consider myself "addicted" to food.. I'm an emotional eater, I eat when I get sad, depressed, which is most of the time LOL. Sometimes I eat too just because I'm bored and the food is there. I've been trying to only eat when I'm hungry lately, and I do eat a lot less but still the emotional issues are there. It's a little easier with people on here that are so supportive and motivating, but when you don't really have any friends like that in real life, well that just sucks :\ But people on here are better than having no one at all.
  • little_gothic_girl
    little_gothic_girl Posts: 22 Member
    It's a little easier with people on here that are so supportive and motivating, but when you don't really have any friends like that in real life, well that just sucks :\ But people on here are better than having no one at all.

    that's for sure!! this side has helped me soo much in such a short time, and the people on here are a huge part of it...
  • msstillion79
    msstillion79 Posts: 142
    I am really interested in this subject. I myself became obesed yeah i said it lol anyway in the last two years do to medication i was on cymbaltia for depression after i went though a loss anyway again and that med put me into a deep deep depression almost bi polar state i was afriad to go out of my house i needed my fiancee for everything my kids were lost without me and then one day i decided to go see a docter and he took me off the meds and its been two months and im back to my oldself im not really addicted to food but i know that there are many reasons why people are overweight it could be not knowing any better its how they were reaised or it comfort food because thats one thing that doesnt cause them pain right away and its ur genetics I know that all of them reasons can be beat if u stick ur mind to it and have a good support group
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    some of its how we were taught when we were little my parents were never over weight but let me eat the same portions as them when i was a child but id sneak more.....when i was from the age of 6 i drank 6 pepsi's a day and as much junk food as i wanted i could sit there all day and just eat and i love it.......which is why i switched to diet pepsi and i still drink prob. 5-6 a day.... dont get the snacks i want but its a total mind f uck i have days where i cheat but overall i do well its always going to be a problem for me i know that i will prob. always have to use this app/site... to stay thin
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i was never addicted to food. i would eat out of boredom and eat because it tasted so damn good.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I was always over weight, I was 225 in 5th grade. My parents opened a restaurant around 3rd grade and we would eat what ever we wanted there. Even then I always drank diet coke. In the summers we just stayed at home by ourselves while my parents where at the restaurant. They closed the restaurant in 5th or 6th grade and were broke. Then I started eating due to depression, I was so worried about my family's finances. I do believe food is an addiction, but for me it was more physical than mental. Something finally clicked where I realized I have control.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I was never technically obese, but I was 30 pounds overweight. I have no addiction issues or internal struggles that made me fat. I simply love to cook and love to eat.
  • Higglyjiggly64
    I truly don't know why I struggle so much. Maybe just weak? Low self esteem? Poor self control? LOVE food? I don't know. It has just been my problem forever. Some people smoke, or drink, gamble, do drugs...I eat. Also, I do not exercise like I should. HATE to exercise. Ugh. Don't know why...this is just me. :huh:

    This is me. I was thin until my late 30's. Then, I just didn't care. Stuffed my face, kids were older, so they didn't need me to play with them and keep them active. Worked third shift. Basically just went to pot. Love being on MFP, but still having some binging issues now and again. So, not an addiction issue, but definitely emotion/psychological?
  • drrif
    drrif Posts: 28
    I am a geneticist. There are some links to genetics, certain markers that make a person more prone to be obese, but I am afraid most of it is due to habits. I do feel a bit sorry for all the Americans on this site, the US food industry is awesome, if I lived in the US the huge temptation and accessibility to high cal food would be very hard to resist!
  • saadler
    saadler Posts: 116
    For me it's because I was raised in a family where food was a big part of our culture -- it was about eating A LOT at every gathering, which then turned into just eating a lot in general. Most of our events focus around food (brunch at my uncle's house, dinner at my grandmother's, etc.) and so I've always associated food with family and happiness and until I got so big and realized it was a problem I always thought it was awesome I could eat so much as a girl.

    So I just love food. It's not that I'm addicted. It's that I just love that part of my life. I look forward to meals. I just need to think before I eat so I can be healthy.
  • lkmisztela
    lkmisztela Posts: 23
    i was never addicted to food. i would eat out of boredom and eat because it tasted so damn good.

    I think this comes the closest to where I was.

    Also, when it got to a certain point, I just *didn't care anymore*. I was already so fat, what was the point? Eating was fun, I like food, I can cook well, I would just eat large portions of everything all of the time. It wasn't an addiction, per se, I just let it all happen. I would buy and eat whatever I wanted. I knew it wasn't the right way to eat, but it didn't matter to me anymore. I knew that it would make me gain weight to eat what I was eating, but I didn't care what happened to me. I think in hindsight, I was very depressed. I don't know if it was the weight making me eat more and not care, or just life making me depressed and thus not care about anything else. But this went on as long as I can remember - from my early 20's onward. I lost weight briefly after my first child was born - went as far down as 205, then went back up again.

    I'm not sure what changed, exactly, but on New Year's Eve, the number on the scale really GOT to me. I cared, finally. I didn't want to live the rest of my life feeling awful and physically and mentally.
  • DropsOJupiter
    Speaking for me only, i know that I was an emotional eater and a food addict. I can be perfectly full post dinner, then something happens or doesn't happen, and the next thing I know, I am in the pantry/refrigerator, ramming food in my mouth. In a good binge, I could consume 3000+ calories easily. I call it trying to fill a hole with food rather than feel the emotions, which never works. Although I've processed a lot of these issues, it still rears its ugly head now and again.

    If you are interested in food addictions, there was a reality program about it called "Addicted to Food." All the episodes are available on line, focusing on 8 folks who check into a rehabilitation center with a range of eating disorders, from bulimia to over eating. There are also a lot of resources listed that may interest you.

    I also agree that there is a genetic component, but feel that it mostly is that, over time, we in the US have moved from growing and eating healthy food, to driving and ramming huge portions of sodium and fat laden processed foods. It is good that restaurants are increasingly now looking at providing some healthier components. I haven't eaten fast food but 1 time on my weight loss journey and won't resume that habit ever again.

    Interesting topic....thanks for bringing it up for discussion.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    i am not in any way addicted to food, nor do i really eat a whole lot. I have just been know to make poor choices
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    1. My family owned a restaurant growing up and I was never educated on nutrition.

    2. I am hyper active at times and can eat when I am bored.

    3. I went from an extremely active lifestyle (Army) to a sedentary one no longer burned calories at the same rate.

    4. Was on anti-depressant whih made me gain big time.

    5. I quit smoking about 2 years ago.

    6. I naturally have a slower metabolism. I can pack on muscle easily, but I also pack on the fat just as easy.

    7. Injuries to my foot and back kept me from running.

    8. Had a PE about 2 years ago and was sidelined for a while

    9. Developed adult asthma.

    10. I have never counted calories and never controlled my portion sizes.

    11. Went on several starvation diets quickly losing weight but eventually gaining it back and then some.

    12. I centered all social activity, friends and family, around where we were eating and when.

    13. Worked in sales for a while and ate out instead of home cooked meals often.

    14 Drank inhuman amounts of calories through alcohol, frozen drinks (Frozen Coke is my favorite, also Dairy Queen Mocha Moolattte), and pop. Even when I changed to diet, the amount of Diet Pepsi I drank made my sodium levels of the charts.

    15. Refused to do cardio or medium or high reps when weight training, only did heavy low reps.

    16. Went off my Anti-depressants cold turkey like an idiot and crashed my system ( laid on a couch for 6 months).

    17. Lost all self respect and refused to look in the mirror or acknowledge I had gained 100 lbs of fat in a very short amount of time.

    18. Never Never Never ate veggies or fruit.

    19. Always ate flour products and never wheat or healthier breads, pastas, ect.

    20. Always order and appetizer when I ate out, even if I was alone. I would go to Applebee's and order the Nacho appetizer, then get the Boneless Buffalo Wings with Honey Bbq and a side of fries. Holy crap.

    That's all I could think of.