One week new...

sunnie_skyes Posts: 11
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
I spent the 4th of July weekend at a family reunion. THAT was my turning point. Not only were there several horrendous pictures to motivate me (think hairless Sasquatch), I spent time with my 52 year old cousin, that has gone from a size 16 down to a size 4 (weight of course wasn't and has kept it off for an entire year (YAY!!! Benita!!!) And I thought, wow she's "middle aged" and she did it, why can't I??? She totally changed my opinion of "older means fatter", I realized it doesn't have to be that way. But, it takes dedication and work. I've always been more of an Atkins crash diet, no exercise kind of person. Just talking to her made me realize that unless I want to be an overweight (ok FAT) old person and all the health problems that come with it, I needed to start NOW!!! And it's NOT impossible, I have the BEST example, one of my favorite cousins. If SHE did it, I can too!!! She has been great support and a GREAT motivator. I'm trying to do everything better, maybe not everything RIGHT (what IS right anyway?), but better. And so far, it's working. I realize that there are adjustments I'll need to make along the way, and I will stumble at times. But, I KNOW I need to just "get back up" and keep trying. This time around, I've also armed myself with "back up plans", if it's raining and I can't walk, or If I know I'm not going to be able to walk in the evening, I'll walk on my breaks at work or first thing in the morning, etc. So far, I feel I'm making positive steps, making changes from the ground up. One day I know, the 'better choices" will be second nature. I can't wait for that time..
My "get healthy" journey started on that 4th of July weekend. It started with accompanying my cousin on her walks. And I haven't stopped yet. I made a goal of 60 lbs to lose, since that weekend I've lost a total of 13 lbs. (4 total of which since joining this site). Wish me luck everyone!!!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and good luck.
  • Thank you so much! Good luck to you too!!!
  • terryrob2
    terryrob2 Posts: 76 Member
    good going, you can do it, you already started your journey,I just started this week to
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Well we all know we can do anything we put our mind you have already one half the battle...which tells me YOU CAN and WILL DO FINE.

    I wish you all the luck.

  • Aquafyre
    Aquafyre Posts: 5
    Just remember every day is full of choices, and one choice will not make or break you. It's all about whether you can make more good choices than bad, and if you can recognize a bad choice and change it the next time it comes up. For me, doing the same routine every day doesn't work, I get bored with it quickly and will give up. I've learned that it doesn't matter what kind of exercise I do, it matters that I get it done. So if you feel yourself losing motivation, change it up. As long as you're moving, you're doing the right thing! Feel free to add me as a friend, and we can support each other!
  • Butrfli
    Butrfli Posts: 50
    I can hear the excitement and motivation you have by reading your post! Here's some helpful advice that I found works for me....Log into MFP daily. Keep up with your food journal. Once you've hit the calorie range for that day, STOP! No more eating until the next day. MFP is saving my life of obesity. I started July 9th and have lost 11.2lbs so far. The scale is moving down and I'm loving it! I'm feeling thinner even though I have another 60lbs or so pounds to go. I, also, use to be an SBD or adkins kind of gal and it never works long term for me. I've had to mentally accept that carbs are okay and don't be afraid to eat them as long as it's whole grain, etc. I'm keeping my cal range at 1240 and I'm fine with it. This is coming from someone that is obese. I wish you the best and MFP has been a blessing to me and will be to you also. The friends you make on here are AWESOME! Everyone is supportive bc we're all in the same boat here. We're paddling up a long stream with heavy currents but determined to hit the thin banks ahead and have freedom! Good luck! ;)
  • kdsnow03
    kdsnow03 Posts: 6
    Life is what we make of it! I know that you will draw from your inner strength and be successful.
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal! :happy:
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