How much can we lose by 2012?



  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    Love the Shred workout. I will be throwing that in to my workout routine too!
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    Sounds like you have found your motivation! I am going to try to find mine as well. The weird thing is that I really don't hate working out. I think finding the time to fit it in is my enemy. I feel so much better when I am exercising!

    Good luck to you! I know you can do it!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I'm in ladies!! I turn the dirty 30 in December and would love to reach my goal weight by then. Ideally I would like to lose 20 pounds and then re-assess the situation once I get there.

    I start C25K training on Monday cause I signed up for my first 5K and if I stay schedule then I should finish up training just in time for the race. I was taking a kickboxing class at the gym on Tuesdays so I'm hoping to get back to that because I absolutely love it. And I am very tempted to suck it up and let Jillian give me a booty whooping with the 30 Day Shred but we shall see.

    Perhaps we can work on weekly challenges. Like one thing that we all hold each other accountable for the week. Some weeks will be easier for some and harder for others but that way we can work on everyone's trouble spots.
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    Challenges sound good to me. Bring it on!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I was working out 6 days per week. This week I only got one workout in...however I JUST moved and spend days moving furniture around, cleaning and unpacking and moving boxes. THAT is a workout!!!!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Any suggestions for the challenge this week?

    Under calories? Under sodium? Under sugar (except for fruit and vegetables)? Minutes exercised?
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    I think a sugar challenge is a good idea. What do you think? I personally am going to challenge myself to drink water too. Does anyone it better to gradually quit drinking caffiene or is cold turkey the better way to go?
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I'm good with the sugar challenge. Let's check in each day on our progress.

    And I believe, like with anything, the slow transition is better than quitting cold turkey. And I think you would have less caffeine headaches that way also.
  • paronomasha
    Hey gals,

    Sugar for this week's challenge sounds good. I was over by 4 today, but the majority of that came from the cherries I ate. I didn't eat any "junk food" sugars. I think I'll count that as a success despite being a little over :)

    Hope you're all doing well!
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    So far, so good on the sugar challenge. I also managed to drink my water and only have 1 diet coke at work. No headache so far.

    Hope you had a good Monday.
  • paronomasha
    I was doing really well with sugar today until I had the yogurt and berries from Tim Hortons; I didn't realize how much sugar it had (25g!) until I put it into my food diary. I guess that makes sense, seeing as it's processed and flavoured yogurt, but at least I learned something from it.

    I like the idea of this challenge; I've never monitored my sugar intake before. I can definitely see how easy it is to overconsume it though and that I'm guilty of that more often than not. I think I'll keep it as a monitored nutrient even after this week's challenge is over.

    How are you ladies doing? What are some of your goals, both short and long term?

    And how are those walks coming, dawnv32?
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I am not even going to take a look at yesterday cause the day consisted of one bad decision after another. I am already over on my sugar content for the day but I can easily do that on breakfast alone and I don't think I eat spoonfuls of sugar. So I think it will continue to be a work in progress.

    Short term goals - complete C25K training
    Long term goals - establish a routine that works best for me as far as food and exercise that will last FOREVER! That will then lead to my weight loss. I would like to lose 20 pounds and then re-assess the situation once I get to that point.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I weighed in at 239.5 this morning and want to see 199 by January 1, 2012. I'm in for 40 lbs!!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    What kind of workout routine is everybody in? How many days a week?

    I'm currently working with a trainer, so she's got me on a pretty structured plan:
    Monday - zumba
    Tuesday - run/weight train
    Wednesday - zumba (or some form of cardio)
    Thursday - run/weight train
    Friday - 30-45 minutes of cardio of my choice
    Saturday - run
    Sunday - rest

    I also have a blog somewhere on here where I share my food list if anyone is interested. :smile:
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    What kind of workout routine is everybody in? How many days a week?

    I'm currently working with a trainer, so she's got me on a pretty structured plan:
    Monday - zumba
    Tuesday - run/weight train
    Wednesday - zumba (or some form of cardio)
    Thursday - run/weight train
    Friday - 30-45 minutes of cardio of my choice
    Saturday - run
    Sunday - rest

    I also have a blog somewhere on here where I share my food list if anyone is interested. :smile:
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Sorry...not sure why that last one posted twice :huh:
  • Ambie213
    Ambie213 Posts: 118 Member
    OK... so I have no idea how to figure out whether I was over, under, or at my sugar. I can see my reports for nutrition for the sugar category, but how do I know where I'm supposed to be????
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    I was doing really well with sugar today until I had the yogurt and berries from Tim Hortons; I didn't realize how much sugar it had (25g!) until I put it into my food diary. I guess that makes sense, seeing as it's processed and flavoured yogurt, but at least I learned something from it.

    I like the idea of this challenge; I've never monitored my sugar intake before. I can definitely see how easy it is to overconsume it though and that I'm guilty of that more often than not. I think I'll keep it as a monitored nutrient even after this week's challenge is over.

    How are you ladies doing? What are some of your goals, both short and long term?

    And how are those walks coming, dawnv32?

    I also screwed up today by grabbing a granola bar on the way out the door this morning. UGH! Duh! On the other hand, I am doing really well with cutting out caffeine! So proud of myself. I am a true caffeine addict.

    Didn't walk today, because I got off late from my first job and only had an hour before heading to job number 2. I am off tomorrow night so I plan on taking a long walk or maybe I should go to the gym. You know, the one that I have been paying to be a member of since March, but never actually go to.

    My short term goal is to get in better cardio shape and lose 20 pounds by October. Long term (for now) is losing 50 pounds by April. I am in a wedding and really want to enjoy the day without feeling self conscience about my appearance.

    What about you?
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I always do horribly with sugar!!! Most of it is from morning coffee creamer and fruit, usually, and that alone is usually enough to put me over. But I am on my way to vacation until Sunday right now....heaven help me!!!! I will continue to check in on MFP so that I can stay motivated to make better choices. I want to try to be in the 240s by 2012 :)
  • paronomasha
    GuamGrly: I think those are great goals! Are you planning on running a half-marathon at the end, or just running for the exercise/peace of mind/great feeling? I like how you put finding a plan that works for you long-term as a goal. It's so easy to get caught up on short-term, unsustainable diet modifications that don't stick! Good for you :)

    jrdoty8986: Sounds like a nice variety of activity! When did you start with the trainer and how did you find her? Through a gym or an internet search, or...? Do you like working with her? I was thinking about getting a trainer once I'm back at school, but I'm kind of intimidated by the idea.

    Ambie213: I think if you go into your food diary settings, you can choose to track sugar (so it shows up on your food diary page along with calories, carbs, fat, protein, etc. It'll tell you your daily goal, which will be in grams (I think it comes from a percentage of your selected carbohydrate intake?) and how much you've consumed.

    dawnv32: Congratulations on cutting back on caffeine! I'm definitely still an addict, and it'll only get worse once the school year begins. I totally hear you about the gym membership haha, I only just started using mine a few weeks ago. It's well worth it! I think walks outside would be really nice, too, though. I'm not sure where you're from, but in eastern Canada we only have a few months of warm weather, so we have to enjoy it while we can! I think those sound like good goals; I was at a wedding recently and definitely felt self-conscious about my weight. And there are always so many photos taken, it'll be great to feel good about yourself and your appearance!

    My goal is to drop about 40lbs by the new year. I'm starting medical school next month and that's a big motivator. I have to start practicing what I'll be preaching, right? I'm also focusing on drinking enough water, exercising frequently, and incorporating a maintenance day every week. Lots of work, but it's well worth it!

    ranewell: Vacations are so hard food and exercise-wise! I hope you enjoy your time off and don't stress too much about it; vacations are for relaxing and having a good time. Make some healthy choices, but don't worry about it until you're back into the routine at home!

    Good to hear from everybody! Happy hump day, all!