Need help can't seem to lose weight

Ive been on this weight lose journey for about a month now I started at 289lbs now down to 283lbs still to high. I was doing good I got down to 279lbs I thought I was on my way to losing more but I rebounded back up to 283lbs I rarely go over my daily calories (An if I don't eat enough I become very shaky an get a headache) Ive been sick lately summer cold, never got my month period but nothing is showing im pregnant (urin/blood tests) an im always on schedule even at my current weight.

I just got a part time job 16hrs a week then I go home an take care of my son an clean up the house cause my bf an mom seem to do nothing while im gone so frustrating but with how tired I am im lucky if I get 10min a work out a day, plus my boyfriend an mother aren't supportive of my weight lose at all so they won't watch my son when I want to exercise. I don't know what to do anymore I cant afford a person trainer an cant afford the gas to get to a gym every time I try to lose weight this happens I'm extremely worried all this extra weight is gonna leave me with diabetes an high blood pressure.

Any Advice would be greatly appreciated


  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    the best advice I can give you is to be responsible and make sure you don't get pregnant, it doesn't sound like you can afford it, or have the support structure you need, and weight loss would be even more difficult. Get your man and your mom off their @sses and make them do something or work on finding a better living situation for yourself and your son..........since they don't sound like much help anyway. Make a better life for yourself. Good Luck
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    I know how it is to be on a tight budget, sweetie. I don't drive to the gym because it's too far away and gas is soooo expensive (even though it's a gym on an air force base and it's free for me to go to!). Because of that, I do almost all of my exercising at home. If you're son is old enough, maybe you can take him on walks with you. If he's still little, it's good exercise to push him around in his stroller while you walk. Walking is really good exercise, especially if you can do it in conjunction with more strenuous stuff like resistance training. Easy resistance training at home tips: fill two gallon milk jugs with sand or water and use them as weights, either one in each hand or use just one like a medicine ball to do more complex exercises. You can do dips to work your triceps with a sturdy chair or 1-1.5 foot high ledge (I use the base of my fireplace, it works real well). You can do lunges with those sand or water filled milk jugs. You don't have to do a lap of lunges if you don't have the space. Just lunge forward on one leg, then push back off using the same leg to get back to standing with your feet together, then do the other side. The possibilities for home workouts are ENDLESS and you can watch your son the entire time while you do them. It just takes a little creativity and imagination to see what you can use that you already have in your home. Also, I highly recommend visiting Women's Health magazine's website ( ) and checking out the workouts they have online for FREE. They have a TON of examples of workouts that you can perform using very limited equipment and at home.

    I hope all of that helps you. I understand how difficult it can be, but you can do it! There's always a way around all of those obstacles you're facing at home :) Much luck to you!!!
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    the best advice I can give you is to be responsible and make sure you don't get pregnant, it doesn't sound like you can afford it, or have the support structure you need, and weight loss would be even more difficult. Get your man and your mom off their @sses and make them do something or work on finding a better living situation for yourself and your son..........since they don't sound like much help anyway. Make a better life for yourself. Good Luck

    While you're advice here is sound, several of those things (such as getting her mom and boyfriend to step up) are out of her control. Weight loss is about gaining control again in your life, and you can really only control what you do and how you live your own life. Focusing on what you can control first is a much better plan for overall success, then the other things can come along.
  • mommyrox05
    mommyrox05 Posts: 238
    When I started this journey it was extremely hard beause I felt a lot like you when it comes to having the support that you need at home to make the weight loss journey a little easier. But I also had to make myself accountable for the things that were making me unhappy "my weight". I knew that loosing weight was something that I had to do to get me out of the funk I was in..I never did anything for myself as a wife and stay at home mom of 5 children. I decided that it was time to take back my life for ME!!!
    And to be the wife and mother that I wanted to be for my husband and children.
    I think that if you set your mind to I AM goting to do this and I AM going to do it for ME! Then things will start to happen...If you are changing your caloric intake drasticly then even with little exercise you should see some consistant change. I am only saying this because I have a hard time getting exercise in with 5 kids at home all day and I am still dropping between 2-3.5 lbs a week. I would say I walk 2-3 times a week (for 30-60 mins, depending on how long my girls will tollrerate being in the stroller) and I do a 20 min work out 1-2 times a week.
    I think that if you put your mind to it then you CAN achieve your goals. And If you make the choice to make a healthier you and your boyfriend and mother don't support you forget them, you have to choose YOU! For yourself and your son! WALK, WALK, WALK...take him with you. He'll appreciate that you are trying to get healthy for you and him.
    Good luck lady and keep your head up.
    Ps. Do it so that you can tell you mom and your boyfriend IN YOUR FACE! It will feel SOOOOO GOOD! LOL!