New to the Boards

Ambie213 Posts: 118 Member
Hi Everyone!
I'm Amber, 26 yrs old, married to Eric for 4 years and mommy to Adam (2 1/2) and Phoebe (3 months). I've been using MFP for awhile now, using it to track my daily food and exercise but I haven't posted on the boards. A little about me:

I've been plus-sized for as long as I can remember... lots of fad diets throughout hight school, but nothing that ever stuck. In 2008 when I got pregnant with my son, I weighed about 220 (the most I'd ever weighed). I gained 55lbs with him and was up to 275. I managed to lose all of it and got to 195 when my son was 1 1/2. That's when I got pregnant with my daughter. I gained about 35lbs (at 229 at last OB appt). I was actually very surprised at how fast the weight came off... When I started with MFP (in May, I think) I was at 200.4... Currently, I'm at 177.2! I haven't been this weight since like 3rd or 4th grade! I'm very excited! I'm 5'8, so my ideal goal weight is about 150. Things have slowed down a bit, but I'm still losing. One thing I'm worried about, though is once I've reached my goal weight; for the most part I've only ever eaten to try and lose weight; I'm not sure I know how to eat to maintain!

I look forward to getting to know some of you and always welcome suggestions, tips, and encouragement!


  • momof2inMD
    momof2inMD Posts: 19
    Hi! I had the same problem several years ago when I lost a lot of weight. I was terrified when I reached my goal weight because I was afraid that anything extra that I ate was going to make me gain. I started adding a healthy snack occasionally during the day, and making sure that I ate until I felt satisfied instead of full. I just kept weighing myself regularly and once I realized that I was not gaining I was able to relax a little:) I have found that when I lose a significant amount of weight and I'm satisfied with where I am, I seem to get to a certain number on the scale and it tends to always come back to that number- even if I've overeaten occasionally. I just figure that's a weight my body is naturally comfortable at and I try to stay as close to it as possible. It will even itself out and you'll be fine. Good luck to you, and feel free to add me as a friend :) I'm trying to lose about 20 lbs. and I've only been on here for two days. It's great so far and I love the extra encouragement!
  • Ambie213
    Ambie213 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi Thanks for the input/info! I'll add you as a friend. I've been using MFP for awhile, but just started on the message boards. nice to meet you!