Feet... anybody else have this kind of insecurity?



  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
    LOL!!! I wore socks for labour and delivery! So, in other words... you can see my crotch, but not my feet. bahahahahaha

    I had nurses amazed that I had a perfect pedicure and toe rings on for delivery (feet didn't swell thankfully!). Keeping my pedicure is a big deal to me & I never paint my fingernails.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Just keep in mind anyone worth having around you will not love you or hate you because of your feet!

    I have terrible scars on my calves because I had lymphedema which morphed into infections in my legs that took almost 3 years, many hospitalizations, and a couple of skin grafts to get rid of (and even then the only reason the grafts finally worked was because I lost weight). Can't shave my legs cause of the scars and there is a risk of my redeveloping an infection if I cut myself. On top of that because i was so heavy and carried most of my weight from the waist down, I have lots of extra skin on my thighs. Despite the hairy legs and sagging skin I wear a bathing suit, shorts, etc. If someone is grossed out then they don't have look at me! And my hubby loves me as is... lumps, bumps, and hair, lol.
  • 1234lbsgone
    1234lbsgone Posts: 296 Member
    LOL!!! I wore socks for labour and delivery! So, in other words... you can see my crotch, but not my feet. bahahahahaha

    Me tooo!!!!!:laugh:

    I was more bothered by my feet than the 20 different residents and interns coming in to feel me every 15 minutes!
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    LOL!!! I wore socks for labour and delivery! So, in other words... you can see my crotch, but not my feet. bahahahahaha

    I had to laugh because I did the same thing! I've always been self-concious about my feet as well. My toes are crooked, and don't 'go together'....there's spaces in between some of my toes. My second one kind of stands alone and the last three are basically on top of each other. And, my left foot is very dry and always cracked. My right foot is just fine. Oh well, I still wear flip-flops every chance I get!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Feet dont do much for me either. Mine are normal and I take care of them. But I can NOT stand them to be touched. No pedicures or massages for me. It makes me squeamish!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I have UGLY feet and I won't wear sandals or flip-flops. The area (I don't know what it's called) between the base of your big toe and your arch sticks out especially when I put weight on it. I think it just looks ugly. Plus I don't have toenails on my pinky toes so I only have 8 toenails instead of 10. Annnnd to make matters even worse, several years ago I broke my right pinky toe and didn't have it set so it sticks up. Just UGLY UGLY feet. :tongue:
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    I don't like feet, period. Anyone's feet. They just give me the willys. I don't even like my own feet, let alone someone else's! But I still prefer to have my feet as opposed to anyone else's. I have only met one person in my whole life that I looked at and thought "hmm, nice feet!"
  • oliviaforever
    oliviaforever Posts: 36 Member
    Ahbskdfajdbsf I hate my feet! When I was at my cheerleading gym's sleepover, I was sitting in a donut next to my friend who was also sitting in a donut. My feet were like, inside her donut. But they were already there because she sat in it after I was already there. You know? So a few seconds after she sat down in her donut, I moved my feet out, and she was like, "Ew! Your feet are ugly!" D: But they are. :( They look like man feet. slaignenglsigf it sucks! Why can't I have cute feet? :(
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    I love my freaky feet! I wear a size 12 in womens or 10.5-11 mens (US sizes, huge, trust me). My second and third toe are longer than my big toe, the third only by a little, the second by a lot. Also my toes are shaped funny at the ends, I like to think they look a bit like mushrooms, with a thin stem, and they kind of balloon out at the top, also I have flat fee. My toes as well are freakishly long, I'd be a much more average shoe size if I just chopped them off, but then I wouldn't be able to pick things up off the floor with my feet so I don't have to bend over.

    Everyone has weird feet, I think mine are pretty awesome, and I love pedicures! I like pretty toenails even if the toes themselves are odd.

    Your feet are much more normal than mine, not to worry.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    Are you serious?!* I have the big big toe and the rest of my toes are smaller, and they all go down in size according to their place in the line... AND, I think that anyone who has the bigger 2nd toe, is a FREAK!!!!!

    I hate feet, seriously, shudder hate... Can't stand them, they are ugly freaking gross things, i can handle my babies feet, and small children, but adult feet, urghh, foul!

    i'll be in the dead of sleep, and my partner will touch my leg with his toe nail, and I will freak out and move my leg faster than a speeding bullet so it's no longer touching him or any part of his hideous feet.

    I always give him hell about his ugly freaky long 2nd toe and how ugly and abnormal it is... so GO THE NORMAL TOES!!! They look normal, seriously, that's how toes are supposed to be...
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    ...I was sitting in a donut next to my friend who was also sitting in a donut. My feet were like, inside her donut. But they were already there because she sat in it after I was already there. You know? So a few seconds after she sat down in her donut, I moved my feet out, and...

    It is extremely rare that I would say this, but wtf ??????
    Interpretation please!
  • oliviaforever
    oliviaforever Posts: 36 Member
    ...I was sitting in a donut next to my friend who was also sitting in a donut. My feet were like, inside her donut. But they were already there because she sat in it after I was already there. You know? So a few seconds after she sat down in her donut, I moved my feet out, and...

    It is extremely rare that I would say this, but wtf ??????
    Interpretation please!

    hahah! Okay to explain more clearly, I'm in cheerleading. And for cheerleading, I go to a gymnastics & cheerleading gymnasium. There are a lot of things they have there to help with tumbling, and one of the things is called a donut. I don't know how to explain it other than it's shaped like a donut.

    Every year, the cheer & gymnastics gym has a sleepover or "gymnathon", and basically we get to just hang out in the gym and do whatever we want. So my friend and I were sitting in the center of a donut. There are like, 5 donuts in the gym, so I had my own and she had her own.

    But I was sitting in one before her, and I had my feet in another one. Then she came and sat next to me, in the donut that my feet were in. And then she said my feet were ugly lol.

    I hope that explains it....

    Here's a picture of a donut if you still don't get it:
  • MarineRealist
    I would say so. When I deployed the first time, I was doing recon and that means far away high up or undercover. In my case we were high up in the mountains. Day 2 I messed up my boots and I was walking weird and contacting the ground awkwardly and after day 24 I returned to base with Crooked toes and Messed up heels. I have never showed them since. I don't know why but i can't feel comfortable doing it...
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    My right foot:
    • has big toe that's flat in the middle and ridged on the sides (happened after an accident as a child cracked the nail under the cuticle; never grew back right)
    • has a long black nail on the "ring" toe (just happened this winter
    • is just shy of a full US size larger than my left (like three-quarters of a size)

    The ONLY real problem is buying shoes because of the different sizes. Usually but US15 to fit right foot, but then left one is often sliding or the instep is in the ball of my foot.

    Yet, I wear sandals (no socks!) in public during the summer time with a MAJOR IDGAF attitude. I'm talking amusement parks, stores, etc. Mind you, I will hit'm with a Ped-Egg first (just bought a new one Sunday) then lotion them up. Gotz to sand down and moisturizes these pterodactyls so I won't look like I've been walking through hot ash and stomping out volcanos!
  • Mello_Rello
    Mello_Rello Posts: 421 Member
    Yeah, I've had some pretty odd looking feet all my life. My big toe is normal, but my other toes are short and stubby/chubby, the kinda look like beanie weenies. But these are my feet, and I love em and appreciate the fact that I have them. Amputees would give anything to have feet to walk again.