Newbie - looking for friends

rosie38c Posts: 25 Member
Well it's only my 6th day but I'm feeling really optimistic with logging my food and exercise, I'm attempting to lose 21 lbs in 9 weeks (before I have a little holiday to vegas) and then another 14 lbs by the end of the year when I'm off on another holiday... amazing how the thought of being seen in public in swim wear is such a great motivational tool.

I have 10 lovely dresses in my wardrobe and only 3 of them currently fit me....:( but i think the endorphines from all of this week's exercise is helping with the positivity :)

It would be good to meet some new friends to share experiences and support :)

Good luck to everyone xx



  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal! :happy:
  • aparks1177
    aparks1177 Posts: 63
    Welcome!!! This is a great place to be for your weight loss journey. You can add me as a friend if you like:smile:
  • amandalovesyouu
    amandalovesyouu Posts: 10 Member
    Good Luck!!!!!! ;}
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    welcome :) i'm not technically "new " to the site, but i've only been doing the MFP program and actually USING the site for support for the last few days...its SO helpful! add me as a friend- we can help each other!
  • Hello. You can add me if you like. I am always looking for new friends to journey with :)
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    Welcome- I think this site is wonderful. Good luck getting healthy!:smile:
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    Hi Rosie

    Welcome to MFP. Feel free to friend me if you like.

    Good Luck in reaching your goals

    Di :smile:
  • Cardiomale
    Cardiomale Posts: 20
    Welcome to MPF. I have been keeping track of my caloric intake and output for a year and have seen awesome results. It's a slow process but well worth it.
  • Zealy
    Zealy Posts: 5
    Welcome and good luck. :smile:
  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    welcome rosie and good luck
  • 4N6junkie
    4N6junkie Posts: 35
    Welcome to MPF. I have been keeping track of my caloric intake and output for a year and have seen awesome results. It's a slow process but well worth it.
    That's how it should be! That way it stays off! :D and Welcome!
  • Welcome to MFP!! I hope you enjoy this community as much as I do :) the calorie counter is a huge help, but really it's the motivation and support from the friends I've made on here that has kept me going... feel free to add me, I'm always looking for positive people!