The Joy of Calorie Counting



  • princesstoadstool82
    princesstoadstool82 Posts: 371 Member
    i couldnt do this without my food scales ... I never appreciated the need to weigh out portion sizes before now, and always thought I ate a reasonable portion for meals ... however, I have realised that for some foods I was eating double what a portion is (especially when it came to pasta).

    Although I have now decided that the days I want to have pasta, I will just watch what else I am eating that day - so I can have a double portion (then I wont be finished just as i'm beginning to enjoy it

    love pasta, realised, on MFP - fresh pasta has lower cals :)
  • princesstoadstool82
    princesstoadstool82 Posts: 371 Member
    i didnt realises how much more i was eating with portion sizes.. i eat generally healthy, and whole foods, no processed stuff if i can help it, like pizza bases from scratch, and pasta sauce from scratch (no added sugar i use basil) ect, so for me, having the scales shows me what one portion is, and thats all i need, i'm not like totally strict, and i will have a tim tam, or an alcohol drink, evey now and then, but most of it, i know what i am eating. i was eating the same porion sizes as my boyfriend, and now that i have cut back alot.. i dont feel like i am missing out, or hungry... cause i eat slower, and enjoy my food, and when i am done,... my tummy is done too. i loook at food, not only as enjoyment of flavours, but also as fuel for my body, so its not just about the calories, its about what is good for me. i wont lose weight using the shakes, i refuse. i wanna do this the old school way, eating small healthy meals :) so far i feel great about me and my choices :)
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    My first thought: There is NO joy to calorie counting.

    i actually do enjoy it *S*.. makes me feel empowered.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    For me it's a mixture between my beloved scales and guesstimating^^ And yes, definitely the JOY of calorie counting, I absolutely love it, it's like a game. Sometimes I eat things just to be able to put them into my diary *haha*

    This is the way I feel, too! I enjoy plugging in my food diary entries and making sure I come in under-goal!

    Really, the only way it works is to either measure what you eat, or eat pre-packaged food.

    The good news is once you measure it every time you prepare it if you prepare the same amount you are already golden.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I have a set list of meals that I can eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Kind of like a menu. So initially I had to calorie count in order to know what to log in. But now I just have all of my meals programmed into MFP.

    I do this too! I've learned how much approximately I can eat of certain things and at least when I'm at home I can kind of go on auto pilot. It's much less fussy, and I find it easier to not get sick of doing it.
  • winodini
    winodini Posts: 135 Member
    I have been good the past couple of weeks with tracking, until I realized that even though I am under my calorie count I was massively going over my alotted sugar and sodium intakes. I'm working on better nutrition now. It's a learning process. I am going to get a food scale.
  • atucker_mom
    atucker_mom Posts: 88 Member
    I measure quite a lot, but in all honesty, 1/7 of a box of pasta really isn't enough for me! So for example, I almost always make spaghetti the same way. I entered it in my recipes on here and determined that we get 6 servings out of it, so I guess technically I am eating 1/6 of the box of pasta, still less than I ever was, because we used to only get 3 or 4 servings out of the same recipe :)

    This is so true. I just divide the box up evenly and then split the calories by 6. We used to have to have 2 boxes of pasta, and now we just use the one. You get a serving and then that is it. If there are extra's at my house, we can't just leave them be, somebody will eat them! I have discovered that if there are going to be "leftovers" I box them up as I serve plates, so it isn't tempting anyone to eat more than they need!
  • MiladyMetal
    MiladyMetal Posts: 184 Member
    I LOVE my food scale and seriously would be lost without it, it truly has helped me to see why I got to be such a fatty! *tongue in cheek* Seriously though the thing I hate is my battery just died and I hate guessing. I get excited like a kid when I make things and have to measure it out. I am always curious what it'll be. God I am so simple. haha It doesn't take much to keep me busy! ;p However, I really hate when some places don't have nutritional facts to help figure what we ate like for instance I only give myself soft serve on occasion and everything else is healthy, no juunk food nadda, but some places don't tell you how much a specific flavored soft serve flavor like my fave Peanut Butter on a cone with jimmies(chocolate sprinkles for those of you not in New England) is.