I need help...

So I'm at my biggest 285 which is so damn close to 300 which scares me for my health. I dont know how to motivate myself and do this for me. I feel stuck. Everyone in my family is big I just feel like theres no way I could lose weight and for me to be healthy and happy


  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    well you are in the right place for support and advice.

    Sounds like you need a plan, sounds like you are feeling its all a bit big and you don't know where to start.

    Do you have an idea of what you will eat, what changes you need to make, what exercise you are going to start doing. Its a lot to think about so you need to think it out, sometimes its just concentrating on one small change you need to make all week. One step at a time.
  • changeisgood55
    I agree. Make a plan out for yourself and this site will help you know how many calories you are eating every day and how many calories you burn with exercising. Give yourself goals but take one day at a time. If your family is over weight too how about asking them to join you in losing weight. We are all here for you too. Good luck and feel free to friend me if you want.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Set a goal (or some mini-goals), exercises (both Cardio & strength training), eat healthier and portion size. Stick on the site to get support that you needed.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I agree, you need goals and a plan. You also need a bit of inspiration and lots of support. Add everyone you can as a friend here. it will help to keep you on track.
  • skfj5
    skfj5 Posts: 70

    I started this journey close to where you are now...at 275...and I was scared too.

    I did it all the hard way...as in exercise and eating better. No tricks. No gadgets. No magic cookies, special shakes, or quick weight-loss programs. It's taken me longer than people on TV...but i also know that it's off for good...and NEVER coming back.

    I agree with fionarama...start with a plan...and make one small change at a time. With food...just pick a place to start. Measuring is the logical first step...figure out what you're really eating. Start weighing and measuring and RECORDING it here on MFP.

    Then start making those changes...Ground turkey instead of ground beef. Whole grains traded for enriched white flour. Toss the snacks. Stop eating take out. Get rid of soda...one thing at a time.

    As for exercise...same thing. One small change at a time. Try to take a 15 minute walk everyday...and slowly increase your time. Better yet, get a pedometer and challenge yourself to increase your steps. As that gets easy and you have more energy...add more activity. Start something you've always wanted to try but were too afraid to do because of your weight...zumba...spinning...running...pole dancing...ANYTHING!!! Have fun!!

    Most of all, know that you'll have good days and bad...ups and downs...successes and failures. I've been on a plateau for SIX MONTHS...couldn't seem to break it no matter WHAT I did...and then, one day...I found the new combination of caloric intake and exercise that busted me out. Stuff happens...it's important to not give up.

    If you can afford stuff like gym memberships, and personal trainers, and custom-made food...great!! You'll get done faster. If not...it's okay...you'll have a very powerful work ethic and an appreciation for just how much work it would be to go back and start over.

    Good Luck!! Congratulations on taking the first step!! You can totally do this!!
  • nelsonmo
    nelsonmo Posts: 10
    first thing you did is acknowledge that u need help!!congrats. you came to the right place. if everyone is big in your fam, it is going to be an extra challenge. yes you can ask them to join, that will be great. i agree with the other, small goal at a time. this is the perfect place to be..and ask as many questions you have..
  • UnderCoverShyGirl
    UnderCoverShyGirl Posts: 254 Member
    I wonder if you just start focusing on making better choices with each meal...if everyone is having a roll and butter, skip it. Volunteer to help in the kitchen and shop and try to focus on using fresh ingredients instead of convenient foods. Honestly, i think the best way to start is even when you don't feel ready. Just start logging the calories in MFP, even if you aren't trying to be below the days worth - that way you will start to see what you are eating, and what things make the most impact. That alone will help you know where to start. My revelation was a sandwich. TO me, a sandwich was always this pretty decent, pretty fresh thing to eat. I make really good sandwiches too and use nice quality and fresh ingredients! But to me, the best sandwich ever might have bread drizzled in olive oil and garlic, then a layer of meat, then a layer of cheese, maybe some roasted peppers, a layer of olive salad or avocado, etc....flavor, flavor, flavor! Well, by logging it, i realized that a sandwich like had a gazillion calories! I learned that i didn't need the use everything at once (like oil and avocado and cheese!). I found that i could use herbs and spreads that were more mustardy (instead of mayo/oil) and just a pinch of stronger flavors like a blue cheese or parmesan and make a much healthier version of my usual favorite thing. I also learned i could cut out the bread and throw the ingredients on lettuce with a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic, and again, cut the calories and fat way back! I learned that having a piece of fruit and greek yogurt with fruit and maybe a trail mix with dried fruit and bam, that's a lot of sugar, even though not a lot of "unhealthy" in other ways....does that make sense?

    So start there, don't get overwhelmed with the big picture, just decide that at each meal you will look for the extras/obvious unhealthy things and try to reduce and/or cut out, and then log regardless of having a plan. Then you can start reading the boards and drinking more water, and just take it day by day until you are making a difference. I'm a slow starter too, i can totally relate, but this doesn't have to be an overwhelming "all or nothing". YOu can do it, and you have a lifetime to make the best of it, so just.....start! :-)
  • msstillion79
    msstillion79 Posts: 142
    I know exactly where u r comin from i am 279 and at my heaviest and my fiancee and his brother (the only family i have besides my kids) are over weight and it is a struggle in this house because we are heavy pop drinkers and i have tried to stop. so one of my mini goals was to go to diet and try to limit the amount i drink so thats what i did no pop in the house besides diet and of course the kids mountain dew which i will not touch gross. Then i started a goal of exercise thirty mins aday and limit tv time So what my jiber means is start out small and work ur way up u started good by coming here i ve been here proably two weeks and everyone is so nice and supportive and will answer any question u may have small or large u can friend me if u want and we can do this jorney together Good Luck and stay here :happy:
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    hello and welcome,

    well you have come to the right place for help and it seem like you also need a plan, well everyone is different and we have all found what works for each of us but since you are a beginner at this here are a few thing that you may want to consider and the other mfs can just add to it first thing to remember is .....

    1)this is a lifestyle change not a diet (diets do not work)it will take time and patients to get to your goals.
    2)dont live by the scale its just one of many tools to help guide you along the way but its is not a bible.
    3)how abt setting a goal of loosing 10% of your current weight that way it does not see like you have such long way to go.
    4)use the food diary it will help you see what your eating and when your done for the day
    5)drink your water even if you cant do 8 glasses a day shoot for 4 or even 2 until you build up to 8 in a day.
    6)educate yourself by finding out how the body works, how it looses fat and builds muscle,why it easy to loose in the begining and harder as you get closer to your goals.
    7)ask for help when you need it, someone he has already "been there done that" and are willing to help you get thr those roadblocks.
    8)set a goal to workout 2-3 time a week, start off slow maybe doing just 30 min or even 15min of excecise until you build up stamina it will take time but thr excercise you will begin to increase your workout time just take it slow one day at a time.
    9)i believe "all things in moderation" so if you have a food weakness dont give up on it 100% just slowly whene yourself off of it that way you wont feel deprived and can have it by serving if you want it.
    10)..this is worth saying again "this is a lifestyle change" change takes time so be patient you can do this....

    ok guys i got her started somebody continue to add a few more things that she can beging to consider as she starts to make those healthy lifestyle changes.