yes or no ...

do you think i can get up to 180 and 6% BF by march? thats 15 pound gain and 5% BF drop

let me know what you think and i encourage you to see my pics:)
thanks guys


  • CaptainAmerica1970
    What do you weigh Now?
  • RayL808
    RayL808 Posts: 57
    im 17, 165lbs, 11% body fat
  • CaptainAmerica1970
    165 lbs be honest "NO!" unless your Dad is a Big Guy or your Mom has a Big Father or you use "Other Not recommended Stuff" besides enjoy were you are now. the size and weight will come with age and maturity.
  • RayL808
    RayL808 Posts: 57
    have you seen ,my pics? my dad is good size and my mom is really athletic in her 40's , but ive been 175 at 16% body fat
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I agree, don't worry too much about your size, you can help it by being healthy and eating lots of protein, but don't stress too much. My youngest son was the smallest in our family, everyone always thought he was younger then his little sister, every time we went to mcDonalds they offered him a happy meal (this was in highschool) if he ordered a quarter pouder they'd ask him, you sure you don't want a happy meal. My husband always told him to be patient, he believed my son would be the tallest in the family. He hit he's 5 months from being 18 and he's the same height as our tallest, (taller than dad and taller than oldest son whose 20) He puts on some weight with weights class, and now has all the confidence in the world.

    165 lbs be honest "NO!" unless your Dad is a Big Guy or your Mom has a Big Father or you use "Other Not recommended Stuff" besides enjoy were you are now. the size and weight will come with age and maturity.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Guess I'm confused, after seeing your pics I don't know why you are worried at all.
  • RayL808
    RayL808 Posts: 57
    haha thats kind of a funny story, but thanks, im pretty muscular so far and not a small guy. but im entering a contest in may. and i do supplement with proteins and vitamins and bcaa's. i could put weight and muscle fast but i want it to be just lean muscle yeah. but thank you guys for your opinions