thoroughly disappointed



  • salmanajmal
    salmanajmal Posts: 93 Member
    What's your weight and bodyfat? If you don't know the BF, what's your height and waist size?

    my height is 6 ft. my weight is 95 kg and my waist is 41

    So I just made an assumption that your job is sedentary (not implying anything I just needed some kind of value) and your RMR and work activity would put you about 1900 calories, you're RMR is 1,504. Your sweet spot for weight loss, without consuming exercise calories burnt, is somewhere in-between. If I were going to do this I would start at 1800 see how I feel and work my way down from there.

    Also, and maybe you do this already but keep your carbs below 100grams per day will help a ton.

    thank you again for taking so much time for me. i ll surely act upon your adivce
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Yes, when you eat only 1200 but burn 500 in exercise, your body isn't getting enough calories and your metabolism slows down, making it really hard to lose weight ("starvation mode").

    I hate the term "starvation mode." It is far too overused. If your calories are too low, your body will enter a fasting period where it begins to use less calories than it might normally (generally this is just a plateau). It takes weeks of fasting before your body enters a true starvation mode in which the body begins to stop functioning normally. I have been losing for 3 months, and I have never plateau'd for more than a day or two because I am constantly monitoring my weight and making adjustments to my caloric intake whenever my metabolism begins to slow down. But I do agree with a previous poster. This method is really only safe for the truly obese. If the OP does not have that much weight to lose, he could be treading a very fine line with his caloric intake.