Here ... we ... go ...

Hola :) I actually joined MFP in March, then got sidetracked/lazy/whatever after about two weeks. But I'm back like a bad nightmare now! I was diagnosed this week with Type 2 Diabetes, and my physician and I have set up a game plan for me to work out regularly and revamp my eating habits. I also realize this is a lifestyle change, not a temporary "fix." So here I am, focused and ready to kick butt and take names. My goal is to get to 200; as of this morning, I was at 259, which is a 16-pound drop from when I had my blood drawn on July 14. (It took two weeks for the blood work results to come back.) I'm looking at this entire situation as a positive; after 25+ years of bad dining and (lack of) exercise decisions, I'm ready, willing and on the way to a better life.


  • katiebug3268
    katiebug3268 Posts: 60 Member
    Good for you!!! Good luck!!!! :happy:
  • debateislife
    debateislife Posts: 3 Member
    Gracias! :)
  • I am a woman who has been way too focused on her weight--and weight loss--forever, but my other interests include my wonderful husband, cats, family and friends, reading, walking, music, and living life with a sense of humor and a positive attitude. I feel as though I've spent my whole life trying to lose weight and be "normal". Currently, I am 208 pounds. My highest weight was 248, so I've made progress, but I feel stuck at my current weight. My goal is to be under 175 pounds because that would take me out of the "obese" label for the first time in my adult life. I've done Weight Watchers for the last three years--off and on--but my weight has peaks and valleys. Recently, I joined a gym and have been working hard to build muscle which hasn't really made me lose much weight but does make me feel stronger and more powerful.