Stuck and need support/help

DDub4ever Posts: 4 Member
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself

My name is Nikki and I was invited to this by my husband. I really hope it helps.

I have been overweight pretty much my entire life and no one has let me forget it. Not my grandfather, my mother, people at school...but most of all, myself. A year and a half ago, I asked for a Wii Fit for Christmas and got it, along with the Biggest Loser workout with it. I became really dedicated to it and lost 60 pounds by the following Christmas. My starting weight was 288 and I got down to 228. Something happened around Christmas this last year and I'm not 100% sure what that was, but I kind of lost my motivation I guess. I know part of the problem is the myriad of issues I have with my mom, who had also started to lose weight and has been very successful with it, but I'm not really sure what the rest of the problem is. I'm really trying to get back on track and maybe this will help. Any encouragement and advice would be appreciated. I really want to get healthy. Not only for me but for my 9-yr-old as well and for my husband.



  • I feel like I just read a story of myself, my name is Nicci, I have a son that is 9 years old. And I have always caught flack from family members about my weight ( most of all coming from my mother). I lost 100 pounds about 4 years ago and then gained it all back due to a very stressful time at work ( I'm a emotional eater). But anyways would love to be your friend and hope we can encourage each other along the way.
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    Hi Nikki...
    Feel free to add me and I will try and be a support for you...First of all, congratulations on the weightloss, you should be proud of yourself....I can relate to your story, too...It seems like in the past that whenever I would start to be successful at losing weight, something would snap and I would start to self-sabotage...You are doing the right thing in regards to doing this for YOU..!!...If you are doing it for anyone else, then if they make you mad, or sad you will fall right back into the self-sabotage to get back at them, when in reality, you are only hurting yourself...YOU CAN DO IT..!!...Good luck in your journey..!!...
  • Sugarchef
    Sugarchef Posts: 319 Member
    You have made such progress! I know how emotional issues can arise. Staying focused on the prize can be difficult too. You have done so much already. Just keep in mind how badly you want to reach your goal. You CAN do this!! Feel free to friend me if you like :)
  • myurav
    myurav Posts: 165 Member
    Hi Nikki!

    first off, congrats on the 60 lbs! that's amaaazing. congratulations on sticking with it!

    you can definitely add me as a friend, and i will give you lots of positivity! it's important to focus on your long-term goal, but it's also a great idea to set mini-goals. a lot of people here set goals in terms of weight, but that can sometimes backfire (although it can still be useful because they are more attainable). i like setting goals that you can control more easily: tracking your calories every day, getting in a certain amount of exercise, eating a certain number of times per day, etc. those are all goals that you can control and can measure.

    my best advice is to find a good support system and stay focused. give yourself mini-goals and then have rewards! things like massages, pedicures, new pants, have already had a great success, keep it up! you can do it! has helped keep me motivated. they're great to listen to, and have a realistic outlook on weight loss. good luck!
  • sheffiej34
    sheffiej34 Posts: 91
    Hi Nikki!

    First of all, congrats on your achievement so far! 60 pounds is huge! I've lost 30 and have noticed a significant difference in how I look at me. This was something I DID and no one else. You should consider where you came from and be proud of your accomplishments!!

    I, too, have reached a slump, but I must shamefully admit it's out of laziness. I swear I have an aversion to sweat. LOL I don't have a lot of local support. I had wanted to lose weight for decades, but I was looking for someone to make me not just support me. I was suddenly inspired by a co-worker who lost a significant amount of weight. I have changed my dietary habits, began to exercise and the weight came off. I joined MFP as a way to track what I was eating. Now I prefer the motivation I get from it. Keeps me somewhat accountable ;-)

    Most of my support comes from MFP. Your husband has pointed you in the right direction. You can't go wrong here. You can friend me if you'd like and we can hopefully inspire each other to get back on track.

    You are a beautiful individual. Believe in you! Do not listen to past or present criticism. Their spite or hurtful words only serve themselves - they are not truths, just self-absorbed ignorance. Don't waste another minute on painful memories.

    You have a husband who loves you for who you are. You have a child who adores you. There lies your encouragement, your fan club, your cheer leaders! Think of them!

    This is a journey we have chosen to embark on. Many twist and turns, but always going forward. You will succeed.
  • Hello Nicci!
    I just started this week and today was my first big fail. I know how hard it is and I will try to help you as much as possible.

  • Hey there!
    Im in Australia so maybe miles from you.....BUT I found this site has been my saviour!
    I have lost 12 pounds and have about 25 more to go I think ( we use kilograms here)
    I feel that having a goal to work towards and getting there is the best feeling.
    Set a small and attainable goal to reach.
    Then when you reach it, CELEBRATE!!!
    Then re-set your goals to head to your next required result.

    I also have written down ALL the benefits I will see / feel when I get to my:happy: goal weight.
    For example
    1. I will fit into so many of my unworn clothes.
    2. I will be fit
    3. I will be stronger.

    ect ect
    ( my list is a full page long!)

    Keep these close at hand and review them at regular intervals throughout the week.
    My biggest suggestion is- DO IT FOR YOU!!!!
    Do NOT do it for anyone, not your mum, not your hubby, not the doctor.
    All of these people will be happy for you and hubby may get a new woman, but YOU will get your self worth
    self esteem, self motivation and sanity back!!!

    Eat less calories than you burn and you WILL succeed!
    Enjoy the journey.
    Im loving the one im on at the moment!
    Make your magic!
    No one else can.

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