k first of all i love this site i think its great but so many people on here need a WAKE UP CALL!!

1. if you think going 30 calories over your limit is failing..
2. if you think you can walk for 20 mins a day and lose weight..
3. if you obsess over this site and forget to live..
4. if you think youre going to reach your goal weight this week...
5. if you weigh yourself every day..
6. if you judge your success by the scale and not what youre capable of doing..
7. if you think you can eat those brownies once you've reached your goal weight..
8. if you call yourself disgusting and fat when you look in the mirror..
9. if you bought all the dvds and books and equipment but never use them..
10. if you dont challenge yourself and leave your comfort zone..



  • jessimacar
    jessimacar Posts: 291
    I agree with most of this, except I've lost almost 40lbs and have barely exercised.. It can be done..

    Great post though!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Mostly a valid rant. Way to let it out! I will disagree on the walking. You can lose weight doing ZERO exercise if you're eating less than you burn. But it's not a good idea for the long haul. I also weigh myself everyday. It doesn't impact weight loss to do it. You just have to have the right attitude about the daily ups and downs.
  • gretchen0824
    gretchen0824 Posts: 82 Member
    i agree with most of what you said
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    That is so true. Don't take this wrong but I'm actually surprised this comes from a 19 year old!!!

    Great post!! Some people really need to wake up.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Hm. I disagree with:

    Weighing yourself every single day - I do this and you know what? I'm calmer because I've learned what is a normal range for my body, I've learned what foods affect my weight negatively and what foods affect it positively. I have learned that it takes up to 3 days for my body to catch up to something I've changed. Yep. Learned all that from weighing in daily. I am in maintenance and I still weigh in everyday. It keeps my head on straight and eliminates freak outs when I see it go up.

    You can lose weight and not exercise. Will it be harder? Yes. But you can surely do it.

    I'm in maintenance and you know what? I sometimes eat brownies. and cookies. and even pieces of cake on special occasions. This isn't a diet - it is a lifestyle change. If you truly think you can go the rest of your life not eating some of the foods you once enjoyed ... you are setting yourself up for FAILURE. The key is moderation. Learning that its okay to eat a brownie, but for the love of goodness - don't eat the entire pan. It's okay to have a small piece of cake, but don't make it equal to your daily caloric needs.

    And I think this site is great for people who NEED accountability. There are MANY people who have tried and tried to lose weight without the tools this site offers and they failed. Now they are successful because this site offers them the help they need. Obsession? Maybe. But, if it working - who are we to judge?

    Some of your points are valid I will say that - but, what works for some won't work for others. Don't judge.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member

    Everybody has their own strategy to lose weight and get healthier.
    Just because it isn't exactly the same as yours, doesn't mean its wrong.

    Walking every day is a great way to get moving and lose weight. If 20 minutes is what someone is able to do - great, they should be congratulated not belittled.
    Sometimes I weigh myself every day. Sometimes I don't.
    I eat brownies while I'm losing weight and I will eat them when I'm maintaining them.

    If you don't want to do these things, that's fine, but don't knock what others do. You aren't the MFP police.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Why even let little things like this bother you about others? WHO CARES. If anyone needs to get a life its you.

    It's frustrating for everyone who has to deal with losing weight, we all have our ups and downs. We don't need others to bash us if we are doing something wrong, instead we need to hear them support and encourage us to TRY BETTER. Not someone to rant on why they hate things.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I appreciate this rant...although I get a little tired of people judging everyone else on this site. What works for you, may not work for everyone. Who are we to judge what someone else does?

    re: 2. So if someone is for whatever reason unable to exercise (disability, medical) they couldn't lose weight? not quite accurate. While it's great for your body, it aids in weight loss/maintenance and I personally love to work out, my 66 year old mother is unable to exercise strenously due to medical issues and has been able to lose and then maintain a healthy weight for the past 10 years...through a healthy eating plan.

    5. I weigh myself almost helps me judge fluctuations based on sodium intake, water intake, exercise, hormones, etc. Then I look at the overall picture for the week and that determines how I might change things up or continue doing what works.

    and 7. why couldn't someone treat themself if they really wanted a brownie (or insert other desired food here) I cut out some (but not all) of the less healthy foods that I was eating when I decided to get healthy again...I just eat those foods in smaller portions and less often...and I've lost 40 pounds without starving myself or cutting out whole food groups. Balance is the key.
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    Good way to vent out.

    But yes, I do weigh myself everyday. Even twice a day. My scale is right outside my shower so I step on it and weigh myself as much as I want to. I think it is more of the attitude on what you see on the scale. To me it is a motivation.

    You will lose weight for walking if you also watch what you take in. It may take a while or maybe not but it is better than nothing.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Why even let little things like this bother you about others? WHO CARES. If anyone needs to get a life its you.

    It's frustrating for everyone who has to deal with losing weight, we all have our ups and downs. We don't need others to bash us if we are doing something wrong, instead we need to hear them support and encourage us to TRY BETTER. Not someone to rant on why they hate things.

    agree...and I just had to say that your ticker cartoon made me laugh hysterically...
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    What's wrong with weighing yourself daily?

    At least then you can keep track of your progress, and fix it if you have a bad day.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    k first of all i love this site i think its great but so many people on here need a WAKE UP CALL!!

    1. if you think going 30 calories over your limit is failing..
    2. if you think you can walk for 20 mins a day and lose weight..
    3. if you obsess over this site and forget to live..
    4. if you think youre going to reach your goal weight this week...
    5. if you weigh yourself every day..
    6. if you judge your success by the scale and not what youre capable of doing..
    7. if you think you can eat those brownies once you've reached your goal weight..
    8. if you call yourself disgusting and fat when you look in the mirror..
    9. if you bought all the dvds and books and equipment but never use them..
    10. if you dont challenge yourself and leave your comfort zone..


    I agree with some of it... like the others mentioned, you can lose weight without exercise. I weigh myself every day just because I like to see where I'm at.. I only record it once a week though. Once I reach my goal weight and even now I still have brownies, cookies, or junk, but I dont make it a habit. This is a lifestyle change for me and I don't plan to cut the things I love to eat out completely.
  • nickscutie
    nickscutie Posts: 303 Member
    um, i eat brownies because I am at a happy weight. Talk about forgetting to live...
  • crazymama2two
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I agree except with 7. Now, I'm not really a brownie person... but I don't think you have to cut out sweets just 'cause you're trying to be healthy. Everything in moderation!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I wholeheartedly DISAGREE with your issue with walking.

    My mom weighed over 300 pounds right after I was born and didn't start losing the weight until I was around 6 years old. At that point, the ONLY exercise she did was walking. I would ride my little kiddie bike beside her, but we would go around the neighborhood for like 30-60 minutes.

    And she got down to like 160 pounds the very next year. She's nearly 6 feet tall, and that weight on her is like a size 12 which looks amazing.

    I'm still wondering why rants like this pollutes the boards instead of people's personal blogs? :grumble:
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    k first of all i love this site i think its great but so many people on here need a WAKE UP CALL!!

    1. if you think going 30 calories over your limit is failing..
    2. if you think you can walk for 20 mins a day and lose weight..
    3. if you obsess over this site and forget to live..
    4. if you think youre going to reach your goal weight this week...
    5. if you weigh yourself every day..
    6. if you judge your success by the scale and not what youre capable of doing..
    7. if you think you can eat those brownies once you've reached your goal weight..
    8. if you call yourself disgusting and fat when you look in the mirror..
    9. if you bought all the dvds and books and equipment but never use them..

    You know, while I can appreciate that these things bother you, you might benefit from Minding Your Own Weight Loss Journey. YOU might think of 30 calories as being no big deal, but some might see if as the beginning of slipping into old habits. What works for you will work for you, but don't assume that other people are being trivial when they may very well have a good reason for being concerned.
    10. if you dont challenge yourself and leave your comfort zone..

  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 557 Member
    I like 10
  • amberlineilene
    Holy crap.. RELAX!

    Not everyone lives the same way you do..GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!

    You should have a brownie, I think you are too obsessed with this site ~ you are forgetting to live.
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    I ear those brownies, and am maintaining my goal weight, thank you very much. Remember that comment about forgetting to live? Enjoying myself, certain foods and drinks is part of living.

    I just run my *kitten* off to burn off the calories. Nothing is forbidden.