Would you eat a sentient animal?



  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I only eat things that can be cooked, unless they taste better raw. I try not to discriminate.
  • asunshinec
    asunshinec Posts: 74
    I have to force myself not to think about it. I'm a total meat eater, but I'm also an animal lover. I have to separate the two in my own mind. Meat that comes in a package from the store is much easier to eat because I can force myself to believe that it's JUST meat - it didn't have friends or a family. lol I can't bring myself to eat meat that appears as it did in nature - whole fish, for example.

    It poses quite an issue for me when I walk into a BBQ restaurant craving a steak, and they seat us right under a giant, stuffed cow head. ?!?! I don't want those crazy eyes watchin' me while I dig in to what could have been his cousin!

    It's hard enough eating M&Ms without thinking of their silly faces on the commercials! ;o)
  • whitejessamine
    Yeah, no. Creepy-weird. One of my dad's novels has sentient cows that want to be eaten. I always found the concept very off-putting. I would be thrilled if bacon grew on trees instead of pigs.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    There was a Chinese restaurant by my old place and it's logo was a wok with animals sticking out with big smiles. I dont remember what the restaurant is called but me and the hubs called it Happy Burning Animals. We still ate there. :P
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Yup. I'd cook 'em and eat 'em. No regrets, pass the BBQ sauce =)
    Yup, we he says ^
  • skinnyminimoni
    First off, this is the hardest I've probably ever thought before 7:30 AM.

    I would probably still eat them if their purpose in life was to be eaten. They would be fulfilling their duty to the universe, right?

    On another note, Hindus would have a ball with sentient cows.
  • skinnyminimoni
    argh, double post sorry >.>
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I don't eat sentient animals, full stop. But if my life depended on it, I would. Fortunately I have the luxury of living in a wealthy country where I have a choice of what to eat!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I typically only buy and cook meat that no longer resembles the animal it once was, like boneless skinless chicken breasts, but that's mostly because it seems wasteful to buy the bones and skin and dark meat when I won't be using it.

    I thought it would bother me to eat from a whole pig at a luau, but it didn't. I did, however, fashion a blindfold out of a napkin to cover the piggie's eyes because it did bother some of the other party guests. "I can't eat him! He's LOOKING at me!"

    Circle of life. Cats feel no guilt over eating mice or birds. Dog have no qualms about rabbits they might catch. Dogs also have no qualms about rolling in dead fish, though, so they might not be the best example on how to live a good life.
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member

    YES! Love that part in "Restaurant at the End of the Universe!"
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    All animals are sentient. At the very least, all mammals.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Okay, I guess that was my opinion? So what animals do you consider "sentient"?
  • quixoticmantis
    quixoticmantis Posts: 297 Member
    Circle of life. Cats feel no guilt over eating mice or birds. Dog have no qualms about rabbits they might catch.

    I agree, and I'm a current omnivore that was VEGAN for 4 years. I have no problem eating meat now, after a lot of soul-searching.....I highly respect those that choose not to, however! It's a lovely, respectable lifestyle.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I couldn't do it. I would treat it as a fellow humanoid. World of Warcraft does this somewhat with their toons that you fight or become friends with. You can't "skin" them because they are humanoid but everything else, including spiders, are skinnable. Makes sense!
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    if i was trapped any where and had to kill an animal i couldn't. i would be utterly useless to any one. plus i get attached way to easy with them so i wont be a able to. so like others i buy my meat already done up for me to cook other wise i'd be a veg eater
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    Okay, I guess that was my opinion? So what animals do you consider "sentient"?

    I consider sentience as knowledge of the self. The fact that my cat doesn't even realize the tail she's chasing is her own, means she's probably not sentient.
    But there are other definitions especially regarding how it relates to philosophy. Again, I generally go in for "self-awareness" as the deciding factor.

    For the sake of this post, we are dealing with self-aware animals with the desire to be eaten. They may or may not be cannibalistic as well, that's entirely up to you. ^^
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Okay, I guess that was my opinion? So what animals do you consider "sentient"?

    I consider sentience as knowledge of the self. The fact that my cat doesn't even realize the tail she's chasing is her own, means she's probably not sentient.
    But there are other definitions especially regarding how it relates to philosophy. Again, I generally go in for "self-awareness" as the deciding factor.

    For the sake of this post, we are dealing with self-aware animals with the desire to be eaten. They may or may not be cannibalistic as well, that's entirely up to you. ^^

    How do you know she doesn't know it's her tail? That's a pretty big assumption there and not a fact. I think my cats understand a lot. They know their names and protect eachother - example, we have a ferral momma cat who has been hanging on our back deck. She's tried to attack our cats through the back window. When she does one of our kitties rushes over in defense of the sibling being swatted at.

    I really think animals know more than we give them credit for, as we're just too egotistical to want to let some other organism be like us.

    And who would want to be eaten in reality. There's a natural effort for self preservation, but that doesn't change how the animal kingdom works. So adding the caveat of wanting to be eaten is pretty pointless.
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    Yup. I'd cook 'em and eat 'em. No regrets, pass the BBQ sauce =)

    *Agreed . . . might even come back for seconds !!!
  • Babushka_Dolly
    Babushka_Dolly Posts: 114 Member
    I'm already a veggie... so defiantly not! x