what is wrong with me!

This spring went great. I was steadily losing 2 pounds a week and feeling great. Then came summer and all of a sudden I lost all motivation. All my bad habits are coming back. I log in every day but I am not logging my food. Every night at the end of the night I feel like I'm a failure. I know what has to be done... why can't I do this!?! Why is this so difficult!

Does anybody want to be my friend.. like a sponsor? Someone to text or email (I can't talk on the phone because of my kids lol) back and forth with during the day when you see a temptation and need to take your mind off of it. If anyone is interested and needs a SERIOUS weight loss buddy to be there for them let me know... private message me.

It seems like every night while my family is sleeping I am up looking at weight loss success stories to try to get my head back in the game! Time to step up if I want to lose another 25 lbs by my 31st bday 11-11-11. :-)


  • jojoof4
    jojoof4 Posts: 120
    I'm in the same boat. Day after day, I try to get back on the right track. Would gladly txt or email for support. Tomorrow's a new day... good luck!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Sometimes if you are too strict with yourself you can't maintain the motivation. You may need a period where you step back a bit. Just make sure you maintain your weight loss. Give yourself a bit of a breather. By maintaining you may even make it easier to lose once you decide to really go for it again. If it is planned you shouldn't see it as a failure. Maintaining is actually an achievement and something you will need to know how to do to keep off the weight once you reach your goal. If you caontinue to do some exercise you can even keep slimming.
  • michelnie
    michelnie Posts: 30
    Well I find it easier to maintain a lifestyle of recording my intake by really simplifying things. That is plan your meals, and day. This makes things so much easier to maintain. Plus it makes logging food quite effortless. What I do is make a 2 week meal schedule and I follow it exactly as it is. I've had no problem keeping to plan. Try it!
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I am also in the same boat and would be very happy to be your motivating buddy. I am having such a difficult time getting back on track!