sore aching muscles

I have incredibly sore muscles from not working out for a week then jumping right into an intense workout for the past two days.
My sister has been working out for a short 7 months after having a baby and now has a 6 pack and is in the best shape of her life.
She agreed to help me lose weight I'm doing her 30 day challenge and she wants me to work out 6-7 days a week
Well here's the problem... I can't hardly even walk after doing these workouts the past two days like I'm stiff as board! And come tomorrow morning she is going to wanna do wind sprints in a near by field with weights I don't know how to tell her I'm too sore or should I just keep powering though each day?? Uggh I'm torn because I wanna push through I need to loise weight to be healthy and I don't wanna cheat myself.
What to do??


  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    just be honest, she started out at one point too so she should understand. Being sore is part of the feeling. Soon you will love it. It means progress is coming. But there is a dif between sore and pain. the secret and hardest part is finding what works for your body and what you can work through.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Well tell her you're stiff and hurting..... if she's got some experience with the 30 day challenge, she'll understand and be able to give some advice. Don't keep it to yourself!
  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    There is nothing wrong with easing into it.

    One of the most common causes for injury and burnout is doing too much too fast.

    Four to five days a week is plenty when you are starting out and then work your way up to six days a week with one week of rest. Working out everyday is a recipe for disaster
  • Rayanne203
    Rayanne203 Posts: 207 Member
    Oh I forgot to mention that she's got no patience for any sort of weakness
  • raydeb
    raydeb Posts: 33 Member
    first of all Well done....You need to rest your mustle groups to help repair if you dont do this this is when you get injurys long term.
    I suggest you do lite exersize walking lite bike work then you will recover and bounce back.

    Everybodys recovery is differant I can train for hours were my brother is done in 15 min you must listen to you body.

    Lond term you will get to your goal and Six pack abs you will get when your fat weight drops to around 15%
    as you have abs anyway
    Hope this helps
  • SeanC86
    SeanC86 Posts: 88
    It's not a sign of weakness if you ask me. Our bodies do have a limit. And pushing yourself far beyond it is a good way to hurt yourself. I'd just say "hey... I'm feeling VERY sore today, and need a day off." If they don't accept that, then it's their loss. My work out buddy here works more than I do, and sometimes I tell him "Hey... I can't do that much..." and lower the weights. But he understands. I hope she does too.
  • mirenner
    mirenner Posts: 205
    Is someone not stretching before and after their workouts?
  • Rayanne203
    Rayanne203 Posts: 207 Member
    Yeah I stretch
    I do dynamic stretches before and static stretches after
  • Rayanne203
    Rayanne203 Posts: 207 Member
    Thank you all for the advice but I think I will push it. I have to lose this 10 pounds to get into a healthy weight range.