Another HRM Question

cdpm Posts: 297 Member
I received a Beurer PM 45 HRM as a Christmas present last year. It's a good little device and its simple to use, although I do have one problem with it. When I am at the gym, sometimes my heart rate isn't being displayed on the watch - in particular on the treadmill and I cannot say for sure if my HRM is tracking correctly . The gym has Technogym equipment and I wasn't sure if it was the watch or the gym equipment which is causing this.

Does anyone else have this problem with any other HRM at all?


  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    my HRM over rides the gym equip and is displayed, I will look at the make tomoz
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    my heart rate monitor also overrides the gym equipment; however, sometimes I notice that the equipment is not always very accurate. Like when it says my heart rate is 299 when it is actually at I typically just pay attention to my hrm and only go by what it is displaying heartrate, calories and so forth
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Okay. Pretty sure its my hrm. Just did a 40 min workout, 20 min run, 20 on the elliptical and apparently I only burnt 130 calories. Seems a bit low. Thinking of investing in a new one. Any suggestions?
  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    yikes...that does not sound very accurate - especially if you felt you should have burned more. I have a polar rs300x and I love it. I do use mine also for running so have the added foot pod (didn't think I needed to get the more expensive one for gps - too much money). Do you have a gym you can go to to get your oxygen levels tested and that type of stuff? I am doing that this month coming up and they will plug all of that into my hrm and let me know where i will burn fat more efficiently and all of that fun stuff.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Polar! The FT4 or FT7 should be just fine if your only doing card type exercises.
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Mabrywynn - I'm pretty sure I burn more calories just looking at a treadmill for 20 mins! I don't know if I have a gym near me that tests all that stuff. I know the one I go to doesn't ( they rarely have staff in the gym!) But I will keep an eye out for one - it does sound quite fun to get properly sorted!

    dad106 - I have seen lost of rave reviews about Polar. Even my mum has one and she loves hers! I have just done a quick google for he FT4 and FT7 - they look pretty good too. After my poor reading the other day I'm confident it's worth the investment.