Use their negativity for your benefit!

I did some thinking this morning about positive and negative motivators. My biggest sources of positive are my husband and MFP friends and forums. My biggest negative is my mom. This morning she referred to my "round elbows" and it hurt. Who's side is she on? The old me would have eaten away that hurt. The new me will use it at the end of my workout when I want to quit. It is all a part of the journey of changing - we can't change what others do, but we can control our reactions!


  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    My motivation are my closest mfp friends. My negativity is surprisingly my husband....when I go to eat something he sayd "are you really gonna eat "that" or do you really need that?" I know he thinks he is helping but I really need him to just SHUT UP!
  • dstsur5or
    dstsur5or Posts: 30 Member
    Good way to think positive! I had an aunt recently tell me I was getting fat and when I explained to her that was was down 11lbs at that time. She preceded to say "well good because you better not get any bigger". Now I'm down a total of 18lbs with only 17 left to go. Who knows even at my goal of a size 9 she will still have something to say. Hang in there and as long as you know you are doing your best that is what counts.
  • nala1965
    nala1965 Posts: 15 Member
    you are correct you cant change what other people say but you can what you do about it. A friend of mine once told me life is 90-10. 10% what people say or do and 90% how you react to it. I hope that helps
    :happy: :tongue: :flowerforyou: