What are the best fitness classes?


I'm new to My Fitness Pal, but have been going to the gym/dieting for a few months now. Before November last year I had never been a member of a gym, and had never even been to a fitness class. Now I can't live without them!

I tend to do Body Combat, Body Jam (like an extreme dance class basically) and Body Conditioning classes. Occasionally I'll do a core stability class but I've been finding the technique quite difficult to perfect. I don't use the gym equipment very often, as I find taking part in a class much more motivating and easier to make myself get to the gym for.

I love all these classes and go to them about 4/5 times a week, but I was wondering what were the best classes for weight loss?

I've obviously become more fit and lost a bit of weight since starting, but I've heard that doing too much cardio can make you put on weight? And I don't know if conditioning/strength+toning classes really help with weight loss.

Any suggestions for other classes to go to? Or what kind of combination of classes I should do for the best results?

This is my first post, and I'd love a bit of advice!


  • Leegree
    Leegree Posts: 24
    Try Zumba. It is a fun dance fitness program that is in levels so that you can participate in a level you are comfortable with and work your way up.
  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    could try body pump. I used to do this and enjoyed it. maybe drop a cardio class and add one like this
  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member
    The classes you're doing sound like they're good :)

    I've tried both body combat and body jam and they're heaps of fun. Have you tried Body Pump? That's a good one to try if you want to incorporate weights in with your cardio and you'll burn plenty of calories with that whilst toning at the same time.

    Good luck!
  • Yeah I've done BodyPump a couple of times, I loved how I felt afterwards...but not the next day LOL. I'll try and pluck up the courage to go to them a bit more often I think.
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I've never heard of too much cardio causing weight gain. I know that weight lifting can cause weight gain. Try Zumba or kickboxing.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    The best classes are the ones you enjoy! The more you enjoy the workout, the more energy you put into it, and the more effective it is because you're having fun and not worried about calories burned.
  • jagfan
    jagfan Posts: 255 Member
    I LOVE the Les Mills classes! They are so motivating and have plenty of variety. The newest we are offering our gym is Sh'Bam, another dance type class. It is fun.

    I have ventured away from the classes a bit and started trying to lift some weights as well as running. I am and admitted cardio junkie...I really want to build more muscle as that will help burn more calories...I am struggling with that.

    There is a new class being offered at our gym for core strength called CX30. That is one I am trying to add...but haven't figured out where to fit it in at yet.

    Good luck! I agree...whatever gets you into the gym are the best classes to take!
  • rhan90
    rhan90 Posts: 26 Member
    I personally LOVE BodyStep, BodyPump and BodyBalance. They are the three classes I do every single week, sometimes doubling up (depending on my uni / work timetable). I still do weights/running on other days, but the classes are my absolute favourite thing :)

    You could always try a spin class too? I think Les Mills does one called RPM (or something?), but my gym does its own. Spin is worth trying out, you'll either love it or hate it.
  • schroje83
    schroje83 Posts: 17 Member
    CrossFit, CrossFit, and more CrossFit! at first, it looked intimidating to me, but it's very scaleable and great for all fitness levels.
  • I LOVE the Les Mills classes! They are so motivating and have plenty of variety. The newest we are offering our gym is Sh'Bam, another dance type class. It is fun.

    I have ventured away from the classes a bit and started trying to lift some weights as well as running. I am and admitted cardio junkie...I really want to build more muscle as that will help burn more calories...I am struggling with that.

    There is a new class being offered at our gym for core strength called CX30. That is one I am trying to add...but haven't figured out where to fit it in at yet.

    Good luck! I agree...whatever gets you into the gym are the best classes to take!

    Oooh I've not heard of Sh'Bam, I just looked at it on the Les Mills website, it looks amazing. Our instructor for Body Jam is amazing and SO energetic, so she makes the class even more of a workout (and more enjoyable) than I think they're meant to be. What does CX30 involve? The only core class I've done is one with a big ball that you use during sit ups and stuff, if you know what I mean?

    I've been building up some muscle recently with BodyConditioning classes and occasionally going to BodyPump. I've noticed quite a difference in my arms and my thighs. Even my boyfriend noticed....AMAZING! Especially since he's a gym and weight lifting junkie!
  • CrossFit, CrossFit, and more CrossFit! at first, it looked intimidating to me, but it's very scaleable and great for all fitness levels.

    Is that like a circuits class? What does it involve? My gym has a circuit training class where there are 8 different "stations" and throughout the hour you work your way round a few times. Really difficult, but I've heard it's the best kind of workout!
  • I personally LOVE BodyStep, BodyPump and BodyBalance. They are the three classes I do every single week, sometimes doubling up (depending on my uni / work timetable). I still do weights/running on other days, but the classes are my absolute favourite thing :)

    You could always try a spin class too? I think Les Mills does one called RPM (or something?), but my gym does its own. Spin is worth trying out, you'll either love it or hate it.

    I usually end up doing two classes in a row too. i've been too nervous to do a spin class! I don't think my poor thighs will cope haha. They struggle enough in conditioning as it is! Those damn lunges!!!
  • schroje83
    schroje83 Posts: 17 Member
    CrossFit, CrossFit, and more CrossFit! at first, it looked intimidating to me, but it's very scaleable and great for all fitness levels.

    Is that like a circuits class? What does it involve? My gym has a circuit training class where there are 8 different "stations" and throughout the hour you work your way round a few times. Really difficult, but I've heard it's the best kind of workout!

    Somewhat like circuit training, but more high intensity interval training with Olympic style lifting. There's a new workout everyday. Google it.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    In high school I used to take a dance class every Monday. I cant remember if it was 1 or 2 hours (it's possible I did two classes back to back) but it included a half hour aerobic warm up, then lots of stretching to help us become more limber (I was 1" from the splits when I quit) followed by working on a routine. The routine kept things interesting and the warm up really burned calories! With that being my only exercise I had a 6pack!!!
    That was is high school though and my metabolism has slowed, but I think it was a great class.