


  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Has anyone here heard of or tied the "kettlenetics" workout system by Michelle Khai? It's 3 workouts on a DVD and a little 4lb kBell that you swing as you move - the description is lots of "dance style movement". It was for sale at £29.99 but now it's up for £5 so I was thinking about giving it a go?

    Has anyone tried it?
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Yes I'm familiar with it. It's exactly the type of westernised junk they're selling by using kettlebells as a buzz word but making sure not to scare anyone away by including any exercise that will actually get you fitter.

    Rubbish like that is the bain of the kettlebell world and indeed anyone trying to burn fat and get fit.

    In my opinion (ahem)
  • bbonney
    bbonney Posts: 18 Member
    I've been doing RKC Kettlebells for over a month and I LOVE it. Up to 53lbs for swings. BEST WORKOUT EVER!!!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I started with a 12 kg kettlebell (26 lbs) to learn proper form, but I'm now doing snatches, highpulls, and one-armed swings with a 16 kg (35 lbs). I was in very good shape and experienced with heavy weight training before I started using KBs, so I wasn't afraid of the heavier ones. I really don't see the point in using the 10 to 15 lb kettlebells. If you increase the weight and perfect your form, they can replace pretty much everything else you do (and in far less time). I no longer do any direct core training and very little "straight" cardio (I jump rope when I feel like I need it). Kettlebells and barbell work (squats, deadlifts, et al) are about 90% of my fitness routine now.
  • 05suu
    05suu Posts: 90 Member
    I've just started the kettlercise thing with a 4 kilo weight and that felt heavy so swapped half way through for a 2 kilo weight....
    I haven't done weights before and have a dodgey lower back so didn't want to strain anything....
    Probably not very good for the hard core amongst you...but ok for a beginner....
    I have a 2,4,6,8 kilo hope to graduate up as I get stronger!!!:ohwell:
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Is there a listing for dumbbells? If so just use that, KB's don't burn anymore calories than a DB or BB; it's just a different stimulus on the muscle.
  • gazter
    gazter Posts: 10
    I've just started the kettlercise thing with a 4 kilo weight and that felt heavy so swapped half way through for a 2 kilo weight....
    I haven't done weights before and have a dodgey lower back so didn't want to strain anything....
    Probably not very good for the hard core amongst you...but ok for a beginner....
    I have a 2,4,6,8 kilo hope to graduate up as I get stronger!!!:ohwell:

    Kettlercise is a bit different to the traditional kettlebell workouts that the previous posts talk about. It isnt novel or anything, but because of how it is structured, talks of 30 lb kettlebells etc are off the wall.

    In the kettlercise class i have attended, the range of weights (all in kg) are 4,6,8,10kg. With beginners starting on 4kg, most of the women on 6kg, some of the more experienced women taking the 8kg bell, with the men (few that they are) usually do the 8kg or 10kg.

    Kettlercise is aerobic non stop kettlebell moves. 37 one minute moves, you swing direct from one move into the other, with high repetitions. After about twelve weeks I brought my own 12kg kettlebell into class. But i couldnt complete the whole workout with the bell, I needed to interchange a few times with the 8kg bell.
  • angiedickinson94
    hi i do a 45 min kettlercise class with a min for each exercise so theres a lot of diff swings, lunges bad girl squats ,good girl squats , floor work the list is endless i use a 4kg kettle bell how many calories about would i burn in 45 mins as on here doesnt have kettlercise on thanks x
  • debzeeU2
    debzeeU2 Posts: 99 Member
    anyone ever do the Kettle Bell 10,000 swing in 30 days challenge?
  • angiedickinson94
    hi 45 mins kettlecise 4kg bell 1 min per exercise about how many carories ya think x
  • carly_am
    carly_am Posts: 145 Member
    If it's the same as the one in my picture, about 3000 calories.

    Don't forget to subtract the pile of vomit from your diary.

    Haha, I too do a 45 min kettlebell class, in fact mine is tonight. I'm fairly new to it so I use 8kg (4kg for some of the arm ones - unfortunately there is no 6kg that would be more suitable!) we do warm up then 3 sets of 4 different exercises. We usually do each exercise for a minute then we have to do, say, 12 reps of each twice or 3 time through as fast as possible.

    OP I totally guess mine and log it as either 200-250 cals depending how hard I feel I worked. Everyone is different.

    I'm 5'8" and weigh 147lbs, I've been doing it once a week for about 2 months.
  • DOB1973
    DOB1973 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I have just done this workout as I could not get to the gym today due to the snow. I used a 4KG kettlebell and its the first time I have done it. I was wearing a KI Fit which monitored my calorie burn whilst i was doing it and it came out at 260 calories for the 50 minute session.

    FYI I weight 70KG and I am 5ft.

  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Is there a listing for dumbbells? If so just use that, KB's don't burn anymore calories than a DB or BB; it's just a different stimulus on the muscle.

    I burned 515 calories yesterday in 30 minutes with a 12K and a 16K KB. That was interspersing double hand swings, alternating swings, clean and press and turkish get ups with burpees, mountain climbers, skater jumps and alternating lunge jumps.