


  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Too much sugar, almost 0 protein which is what keeps you full.

    Have a Whey Protein shake instead.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    For the 200+ calories in one of those shakes, why not just eat actual food?
  • ido10612
    ido10612 Posts: 51
    its hard to stick to. i got really hungry. drinking most of your meals just isnt as satisfing as chewing something. I stuck to it for about a week. you do lose weight. it is a great way to kick start a diet. however now that ive really gotten control over my bad eating habits, I have have a pretty healthy diet now and dont need to rely on slim fast in order to stick to my calorie goal. i still keep a case of the milk chocolate in my fridge for when i am pressed for time. Its a handy way to grab some nutrition when you are pressed for time.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Personally I blend the shake with a few ice-cubes (3 normally, 4 or 5 if its hot) and LOVE the shake, I really enjoy it as it's thick and creamy bit like a milkshake from a certain fast food chain! lol I don't find I get hungry and take a multi-vit anyway so the restriction isn't too bad. It helps me control what I eat, mainly when I'm busy to be honest which is when i'd run around till hungry then grab the worst thing because I'm hungry! By already knowing what I'm going to have it helps. :)
    Variety and choice is important in all of our lives, I can and do eat regular food when I choose, but when I choose I 'use' slim fast. :)
  • bhagavatilad1
    I used to drink Slim- Fast over 10 years ago my favourite flavor was chocolate shake and yes it really works especially if you drink it before a workout so your still burning calories all the time and you drink water aswell. I'm sure its a better product now. Well its safer than diet pills lets put it that way. You could not completely use it as a meal replacement but drink half in the morning and the rest later. That reminds I'm going to buy some. Thanks
  • Evamuse
    Evamuse Posts: 14 Member
    It might work for the short term. However in the long term you want to beable to eat normally without Slimfast and lose weight.
    Maybe concentrating in changing your lifestyle completely without it may be the way forward.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    read the ingredients - its mainly just skim milk powder. You are better to buy a good quality whey protein mix and mix that with no fat milk.
  • joclougherty
    joclougherty Posts: 59 Member
    I started using it in May to kick start my diet, I was having a shake for breakfast blended with ice and skimmed milk and a chocolate crunch bar for lunch then some fruit and cheese for snacks and a 600 cal dinner. I also run a lot so was able to have some more calories. I found it really got me on track with eating less and I didn't have to think too much about what I was going to eat. This is a good thing for me as I struggle to control portion sizes. I'm now in my 4th month of dieting and have lost 24lbs but haven't been doing the Slimfast for a while. I often have a shake for breakfast as it keeps the calories down and it's quick but I tend to have Ryvitas for lunch now and a normal dinner. I don't think it's particularly healthy but it helped me to get my head in gear to start losing weight. Each to their own I say, whatever works for you.