to log it or disregard it...



  • veggiepug
    veggiepug Posts: 82
    Not logging for me turns into two days of not logging, then three, then a week, and so on and so on. If I force myself to track and see the damage, I'm much more likely to get my butt back on track ASAP. I went out for Mexican last night, and ended up eating/drinking more than I had planned. In the past I would have just said "oh well, I blew it, might as well blow it for the rest of the weekend and start over on Monday." Instead, I forced myself to track, saw that I ate 3,000 calories yesterday, and now I'm back on track. I know how much damage I did, so I know how much I need to make up for it at the gym.

    It also helps to keep a log of EVERYTHING in case you have a gain. If I have an unexpected gain, I can look back in my diary and see where I went wrong.

    I try to live by the motto of "track it and move on."
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I only log Monday through Friday now, because that's my version of maintenance. A tiny deficit during the week, then playing it by ear over the weekend. I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, but it's something that works for me.

    I probably don't really eat any MORE over the weekends (unless there's a party or something). I just don't want to be so obsessed over everything I eat that I need to count out everything. I'm confident in not only my ability to not binge enough for it to make a real difference, but also in my ability to rein it back in once the weekend is over.

    I want eating healthy and making good choices, coupled with regular exercise and being physically active, to be my "lifestyle change." The act of counting calories is not the change I want. Not long term.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I usually log everyday but Saturday. Saturdays we typically go out with my mom and have some sort of buffet meal out, which is nearly impossible to track. That is my "over" day and my "I don't give a crap day" and for me, its worked. It helps my metabolism by "jumpstarting" it and zig zagging if you will.
  • Nana_Anne
    Nana_Anne Posts: 179 Member
    I log everything more for my own record of not only calories but fat grams and sat fat. I can also switch the settings and check my protien, ect.. This is easier then in my daytimer. I like having a few close friends here. I haven't seen anyone judge another just love and support. We have all been there. I have had friends say I'm not eatting enough when I go days at 800 and they say that because they care. I could not seem to disply self control over the Nips on my desk! Someone told me they have the same problem. I guees why lie to myself. I've been doing that for years.
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    good question. I log every bite!! It's obsessive now! The other day I went over my limit for the first time in 8 months!! I was over by 1000 calories!!! I logged every bit of it. I needed to see it and then I could move on.