zombie run??


  • lindak71
    lindak71 Posts: 92 Member
    Is this on 10/22? I didn't see when it was in the article, but my girlfriend mentioned a zombie run to me recently. It does look like fun, but I'm from Long Island and I won't be taking a trip there for this any time soon!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'd love to, since my husband's from Balmer so we have a place there to crash, but it's just alittle pricier than I'm comfortable with, especially since spectators have to pay admission. :grumble:
  • Lol I was just joking the other day to some friends about how I need a few zombies on the loose for those days when I dont have the motivation to run...this race looks awesome I'd love to participate one day (when I become a faster runner!)
  • hartsmart
    hartsmart Posts: 141 Member
    it is in october. i had just read an article about it...i had no idea there was a whole website/plan for more runs elsewhere...or even the depth of it! and i had NO IDEA how expensive it was!! yikes!
    here's a better link for anyone still interested:
    just b/c looking at the website and seeing all that is involved makes it so much funnier. though, i would probably crap my pants if a 'zombie' started running after me! lol!
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    There's one in Alaska too!
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    A girlfriend and I considered this one, 'cause it looks so fun -- but I had no idea how expensive! Last I heard, they needed 3 more zombie volunteers! :happy:
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Everyone knows Zombies don't run.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Saw this posted in another race forum a while back. Looks cool. Hopefully they have one next year in Cali.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Everyone knows Zombies don't run.

  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    Yeah, I just saw this today on a news feed. I think it's hilarious and sounds like fun. I'm from B'more. If I was a runner, I'd do it.
  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    I will be signing up to do it in Boston in the spring, the whole idea is so very cool and awesome and a bit scary all at the same time. Any other Mass-holes thinking about running?
  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    I will be signing up to do it in Boston in the spring, the whole idea is so very cool and awesome and a bit scary all at the same time. Any other Mass-holes thinking about running?