Anyone out there have Hyperthyroidism or another Thyroid con



  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I have hyperthyroidism (grave's disease). I lost weight like crazy before the diagnosis, but my heart rate was out of control and I had arrhythmia bad.

    Now it's controlled with methimazole and I struggle all the time with being hungry and I'm working my butt off, but the last 20 pounds keep bouncing around. I'm up and then I'm done. I'll do really good and the weight will drop off. Then I'll screw up for a week and gain 10 pounds. It's so crazy! It is nice to know that others struggle with the same problem. I would love any advice!
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    I have Hypothyroidism. I wasn't diagnosed until after I had lost 100 pounds then was put on 0.100mcg of synthroid. with reg checks the doctor found my levels still off a bit so now I am on 0.125mcg synthoid a day. I still continue to lose weight but I attribute that to changing my lifestyle, my eating habits and exercise.
  • anniebrasso
    Hopefully someone can help me with this..
    I've recently been diagnosed with Mild Hyperthyroidism, with the following levels

    TSH < 0.01 (0.3-3.5)
    Free T4 21.6 (9.0-19.0)
    Free T3 7.5 (2.6-6.0)

    Symptoms prior.. hair loss, fatigue, some weight loss (but I was actively trying to lose), cystic acne (I'm 31!), Heart palps.

    Have had the Uptake test, shows Toxic Multinodular Goitre, with a low normal uptake of Pertechnetate, and the ultrasound showed nodules, largest being in excess of 8mm in size in the isthmus.

    Haven't seen an endocrinologist yet (4-6month waiting list in Aus where I am), so have been told to basically shut up and wait until then.

    I'm still very much wanting to drop close to 100lbs,have been eating relatively well, working out and burning off close to 1000cals a day. This week I've managed to drop 6 pounds.. (working out twice a day).

    How much damage am I likely to be doing to myself by pushing so hard?