A month 'o challenges - August 2011



  • love_30034
    Ok yesterday Monday I think I did a little over 1,000 mg of sodium and burned 503 and today Tuesday I was under a 1,000 mg of sodium and burned the same amount of calories..
  • missbeccaanne
    did much better on sodium today just over 1800 so I managed to stay under 2000. did 428 cal today which brings me to 997 so far.
  • cml_b
    cml_b Posts: 8
    Can I still join?

    Burned 650 on monday, 860 on tuesday and 225 today. Tonight I'm going to earn another 506 for dancing, salsa, chachacha... (we have classes where you pay if you join. You just motivated me to look them up and to my surprise, there was something that sounded motivating.)

    Sodium is easy for me (cook everything from scratch), but 4k is hard, considering that I've been on <1k the weeks before. I'm doing C25k (modified)+cycling.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    So proud of all of you guys!!!! Welcome aboard, CML!!!

    My sodium is below 2000, but my exercise is slacking. Haven't been feeling good the past few days (I think my body is mad at me for my horrible eating this past weekend - hopefully that will end today).

    Meg - Go to your food tab, click on settings, then change nutrients tracked - you can add sodium there!
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Got in another 618 calories of exercise over lunch today so I am at 1779 calories burned in 3 days, 75 minutes of power walking, and my sodium is on target to be below 2000mg.
  • love_30034
    Ok today Wednesday I went over my sodium cuz it was a busy day and I was home preparing my meals...but tomoro will be a much better day
  • AParker1974
    AParker1974 Posts: 89 Member
    Today was a very busy day and I wasn't able to meet my sodium goal or exercise :( but tomorrow is another day and I am determined to do my very best!!!
  • ebelliss
    ebelliss Posts: 126 Member
    keep it up guys!! another day with sodium below 2000 and i can already feel a difference in my stomach (not as bloated!), so this is definitely something i'm gonna try to stick to for good now! spin class kicked my booty tonight, keep burning those cals!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Brenda posted something interesting this morning - she ate alomst the same calories for breakfast this morning then she did for all of yesterday.

    I'm kinda surprised at the amount of sodium in some foods that are supposed to be good for you. Anyone else notice that? Especially fat free dairy. 75mg in my 6oz Dannon Light and Fit? Seems high!! The biggest surprise though were carrots - 65mg for 3oz. Everything has sodium and thank goodness that I'm now more aware of how much of it is in what I eat!!!

    I agree with ebelliss!!! My stomach seems to be less bloated, it's a great feeling.

    Great job to all of you with your sodium and exercising. It's great to see that we are all beginning to recognize our challenges and triumphs in this process. Life happens and sometimes we have to go for the high cal/fat/sodium alternative to a homecooked meal - it's all a part of the new life we're leading! And.....a special woot woot to DF for 618 calories burned at lunch!!! How much do I burn for surfing MFP while I eat my lunch at my desk?!?!?
  • megsaroo
    megsaroo Posts: 162 Member
    Burned 533 today for a total of 1668 so far. Sodium has been much more of a challenge than I thought. Thanks Mo for alerting me to something I need to work on! Excited to see what new challenge you come up with for next week!
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Felt very blah today but still went for a 3mile walk - calories burned - 385, sodium - 1945
  • cml_b
    cml_b Posts: 8
    . Missed my dancing lesson and went running instead; without a day of rest. Was a bit too much (I feel sort of sluggish), but I'm proud of myself. Love this challenge.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    It's sooooo good to see that you guys are losing - I think I saw 3 weigh ins this morning - way to go all of you!!!! Me, not so much. The scale went up 0.6 lbs this morning and I could not have been more devistated. I "was doing so good" I told myeslf. What the hell happened? After a weekend of bad eating, it wasn't too hard to get back into a healthy diet. My problem was sleep. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I slept for about a total of 2 to 3 hours per night (and that wasn't even 2 to 3 hours at a time, it was spurts). My mind would be racing, I would be thinking about things and I just couldn't settle.

    My doctor said I needed to settle my body down. It was not used to working out at 6am AND 6pm (I did that all 3 days to try to speed up my weight loss). She suggested I not exercise every day like that - I should really work it in the morning or do the same amount of work at 6am and myabe 4pm to give my brain and body a chance to rest.

    I am SO NOT blaming my weight gain on no sleep. It's just something I have to change. It's nice that my doctor could spot that and can give me tips on how to make some adjustments. When I workout, it's like I have this high that goes on for hours. That's not a good thing when I want to be in bed by 9 and sleeping by 10.

    ANNNNNNNNYWAY - Thanks for letting me vent.

    Friday, Saturday and Sunday are likely to be our biggest challenges. What do you plan to do to keep your sodium down? How many glasses of water are you getting a day.

    NEXT WEEK - Get your pedometer ready!!
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 172 Member
    Surprisingly, I managed to do well on this weeks challenge so far. I have already surpassed the 4000 cals lost and I still have the weekend to get some more in :happy: (gotta love swimming). As for sodium I have been doing pretty good also. I am looking foreward to next week :tongue:
  • missbeccaanne
    The Sodium has been tough I think I only made it under the goal three times so far, but I have been doing well on getting up and moving, I am at 2110 cal burned so far this week and that is really good for me. I am of the really lazy personality so this has really helped with the inspiration to move.
  • AParker1974
    AParker1974 Posts: 89 Member
    I feel like I have done pretty good on this week's challenge. I was only over on my sodium on Monday and Wednesday and I have burned a total of 3015 cals. I plan on doing my morning walk in the morning it won't get me to 4000 but that will still be ok, I have burned more cals this week than I have in a long time. Thanks for the challenge!! Can't wait to see what is in store for next week.
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 172 Member
    I am SOOOOO ready for the next challenge :tongue:

    I did pretty good on this weeks challenge and I lost 4 Ibs :happy: Can't complain about that now can you :laugh: Hope you guys see some good results as well!
  • AParker1974
    AParker1974 Posts: 89 Member
    I feel I did accomplish something this week during this challenge. I may not have met my goal of 4000 cals burned but I did get off my butt and work a little harder and almost got there. I really watched my sodium and believe is the reason I can tell in my workouts I am sweating more (YES) and the swelling in my hands when I walk has not happened in the last several walks I have done. There was only 2 days I went over my sodium and got just over 3700 cal burned. I feel great and can tell my body is getting stronger and taking shape I even lost a pound this week!!
  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member
    I'd like to join, what is the week 2 challenge?
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    Well done to all of you!!!!
    I went over on sodium once (but came reeeeeally close to being over more than once) and burned 5557 calories.

    I like how we're all noticing different things about what's going on with our bodies.

    Please continue to post your results for week #1 - I'm about to start a new thread for week #2's challenge. Feel free to keep watching sodium and beat this week's calorie burn. Please note that this isn't a cumulative month o challenges - I think it's important that we focus on a few big things each week (and it also allows others to join us on our journey without feeling like they're left behind).

    I think I'm friends with all of you. If not, feel free to add me so that you can see week #2's challenge on your homepage.