


  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    Sorry I pressed enter many times I was thinking my browser is stuck but it was not
  • deewildwoman
    deewildwoman Posts: 120 Member
    We have been TTC for several years now. We did ovulation tests, Clomid, Folistim, IUI, and finally IVF. On our second round of IVF we got pregnant, but miscarried at 8 weeks. We have on more egg frozen, and will try again, but I want to lose some weight first. I was overweight to begin with, but gained over 20 lbs from 2 rounds of IVF drugs and 8 weeks of pregnancy.

    One of my biggest goals if to lose down to a healthy weight before we make our last try. I want to give us the best opportunity if we get lucky enough for the last egg to implant.

    Good luck to all of you on this journey. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about what we have been through to this point. Sticky Baby Dust to you all.

    Yanicka, Thank you so much for being a donor. It was someone as big hearted as you who gave us a chance. :-)
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    I have been pregnant 6 times and I have 2 wonderful children. I would carry until I was 3 months with each pregnancy and then I would miscarry. When I got pregnant the last time with my daughter, I ended up having to see a women's specialist and we went over my history and he informed me on a little something that I like to share as my way of helping spread a prevention of sorts. When I was 15, I was put on Depo because of my time of the month, and the doctor's kept me on it until I was 31. I would take breaks of sort's, when me and my ex-husband where trying to get pregnant, but I always faithfully went back on it afterwards. When I explained this to the specialist I was seeing he actually swore ~lol~ and I knew that wasn't a good thing. He explained to me that Depo really increases your chance of breast cancer by 85% and also that it was the reason why I had had so many miscarriges. That may not be the case for most of you ladies, but if I can share something, some knowledge that was passed on to me, to stop on person's heartache, I will do what I can. I hope and pray that everything works out for you.