No weight loss this week!!

So i have been on my diet for about 2 weeks. The first week i lost 4 pounds and so far this week I have actually gained weight. I have been trying my hardest to stay under my calorie goal and i have been exercising almost everyday. I am getting very discouraged and just dont know what i am doing wrong!! Help!!


  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    When asking questions like this it is helpful for the rest of us if you could make your food diary public.

    That way we can see your current exercise/nutrition status
  • JediMaster_intraining
    probably you lost water weight the first week! it happens.

    but definitely keep going! don't give up!

  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    The only thing your doing wrong is stressing. Relax take a deep breath, and keep doing what you have been for at least 3 more weeks. If you sit at the same weight for a month you might be stuck, but a week isn't long enough to stress. I usually lost weight in 4 or 5 lb chunks one week, up the next and down and up and down. As long as the when you go up you're not as high as you used to be you're doing just fine.

    Don't worry. You're doing the right things. Just give your body a bit to catch up and the weight will come off, I promise :-)
  • nelletali
    nelletali Posts: 15 Member
    Here's the isn't always easy. I lost about 40 lbs in a little over a year...then I was stuck at the same weight for over a year. I would go down 2 lbs and then go up again. I kept at it though. I continued to exercise and eat properly and eventually more started to come off. The good news is that they (whoever they are) say that if it comes off slowly that you are more likely to keep it off. It has been over 2 years when I started this journey and the initial 40 lbs I lost has stayed off so it seems to be working. The most important thing is not to have unrealistic goals or eating habits. You can not sustain a serious calorie just have to continue to exercise and eat healthy and it will keep coming off. Don't give up. Good luck!
  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    Just stay on the path! :-)
    I've been exercising and tracking my calories for over a week, and I've not had any scale movement yet! You aren't alone, so don't get discouraged!
  • wanttogetskinny
    Weight fluctuates. I can fluctuate up and down by 5lbs. It doesn't mean I gained 5lbs overnight - I know it's water weight. It's probably the same for you. Don't stress over it. Keep eating right and exercising and the weight will come off.
  • herzo1852
    Same thing happened to me - first week 8 lbs, second week only 0.6 of a pound - make sure you are not exercising too much, or trying to stay way under your calories because if you do cut your calories too quickly and by too much your body will go on a self induced "fast" which means it will stop losing weight because you're starving it. If you know you are eating right and exercising and not cheating at all, just keep going as week three you will hopefully see a better number - do NOT let this discourage you - I am at the end of my week 3 on MFP and I have made myself keep going this week, despite the pitiful result on the scale. I will find out tomorrow morning what happened this week, but I do know at one point on Wednesday (2 days after weigh in) I weighed 2 more pounds too, then on Thursday morning got weighed again and it had mysteriously all gone again plus another pound! And if you're a woman, remember you gain water weight around a certain time - as much as 7 pounds for me sometimes - don't stress the scales, measure the inches lost! No matter what my scales say, my shorts fell down today and I need to buy a belt, now THAT is progress!
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    Here's my experience, and hopefully it'll put you at ease.

    I started exercising three months ago and adjusted my diet to include more fruits, veggies & dairy. I limited my junk food consumption and upped my water intake. During that time, instead of losing, I actually gain 2 pounds. At first I was like "How is this possible?!! I'm working out 5x a week and have a weekly deficit of 2900. I should be losing, not gaining." At the time I felt like throwing in the towel. However, despite the setback, I remained committed and kept up with my nutrition and exercise plan. The following month the pounds started falling off. And to this day I haven't experienced any plateau and have been losing approx. 0.5-0.8 lb a week.
  • kylatreymom
    kylatreymom Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouraging words!! I really appreciate it. I'm going to continue to do what i've been doing and hope for better results when i weigh in next week!! :bigsmile:
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    I understand your frustrations. I am in the same boat. You have to remember that getting healthier (not just weight loss) is a life time journey you are beginning. You need to focus on changes that you can live with long term. I have been working towards a healthy goal weight for almost 4 years. In that time I have lost 109 lbs. It has not always been easy or smooth. As many others said there are times I have gained and stayed the same. I lost 90 lbs in the first year and a half, then spent a year and a half just kind of maintaining. My weight would go up and down, but stay in the same 5 lb range. In Nov 2010 I decided to refocus and try to lose the last 30 lbs. I have lost 20 of it, but am struggling to lose the last 10.

    Last week I felt like I did everything right and lost .2 lb (notice the point in there). It is definitely frustrating when you feel like you are doing it right. This week I decided to up my cals (to lose .5 a week). I think I need to eat more (which always seems backwards to losing weight). Plus I have only been eating back about half of my exercise cal so I need to do that too. When what you are doing isn't working sometimes you need to tweak what you are doing. Just remember giving up will never get you to where you want to be. You can do this. :smile: