Swat Walking Group - August - New Members welcome!

The SWaT Walking Group is starting their August challenge! New members are always welcome. This is a great group if you’re looking for friends and support. :flowerforyou:

The Swat group originally started out as a walking group but we’ve kind of evolved into a very open, free-style support group. Some of us walk, some do strength training and some of us mix it up. This is a great group if you’re looking for support or just friends to keep you company.

Everyone has different schedules and is at varying levels on their weight loss journey so you set your own goals. The only one you are competing against is yourself. If you’d like to join us just introduce yourself and / or post your goals for the month and you are set. We all just check in as often as we can, daily, weekly, whatever works for you.

I’ve been doing pretty well on my cardio but still falling short on getting into a regular weight routine. I’ve got a lot going on this month but I’m still going to try and get in at least 12 hours worth of exercise and maybe more. I am 2 hours short this month but tomorrow starts a new month. Yay!

If anyone would like a ticker check out www.tickerfactory.com and I think there are some others too.

Let’s get working everybody!

:happy: :bigsmile: :happy:


  • KayLoss
    KayLoss Posts: 14
    Hi I'm Katy, I'm 18 and new to this site. I loved to walk and want to get back into it and starting tomorrow as long as it doesn't rain like today.
    I'm 220lbs Now but want to be 200lbs by the month is over and at least walked 12 hours.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Katy, Welcome to the group! Walking is an excellent way to exercise. I do a lot of the walk away the pounds workouts and it really works.
  • binkybaby1
    binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Colleen and I've been using MFP for about 6 months. I'm 42 years old with health issues that sometimes slow down my body but never my mind and spirit.

    I have a great support system. My family's journey (husband, daughter, son-in-law, and myself) began about 6 months ago and collectively we have lost over 225 lbs. My husband and son in law have met their goal weights and now just maintain with healthier eating and exercise. Between my family at home and my MFP family I couldn't ask for better cheerleaders.

    Being a diabetic I have the eating healthy part down. Over the last 6 months I've fine tuned it and now its not that difficult. I have a hard time with the exercise part. Some days I have so much energy and feel great and am able to get some great exercise in and some days I can't even walk because of my neuropathy.

    I think an exercise support group will help me to break through some of those exercise walls that I face. I look forward to joining this group!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I'm back Sandy. Welcome to Katy and Colleen! This is a great group of people who cheer you on whether your doing great or need some encouragement!

    My goal will be 800 minutes of exercise for August since I surpassed that this past month by 100+ minutes. I hope the heat goes away soon because it is zapping my energy. I did not exercise today but sat in my chair reading a good book. It's awful outside and I'm having too many hot flashes to walk with my Leslie Sansone DVD today, pity party for me!:cry: LOL!

    No really I'm ready for this next month and want to keep the exercise consistent since that is not always easy for me to do. Trying to cut back on bread and pure sweets. Colleen I'm also a Type 2 diabetic and try to balance my carb intake over the course of a day focusing more on fruits and veggies. I love my bread and potatoes so it's a challenge for me! Blood sugar is under control and I take Metformin. My A1c has gone down since 18 months ago when I was diagnosed and my good cholesterol is rising thanks to exercising.

    So here's to August:drinker:

  • binkybaby1
    binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
    I'm back Sandy. Welcome to Katy and Colleen! This is a great group of people who cheer you on whether your doing great or need some encouragement!

    My goal will be 800 minutes of exercise for August since I surpassed that this past month by 100+ minutes. I hope the heat goes away soon because it is zapping my energy. I did not exercise today but sat in my chair reading a good book. It's awful outside and I'm having too many hot flashes to walk with my Leslie Sansone DVD today, pity party for me!:cry: LOL!

    No really I'm ready for this next month and want to keep the exercise consistent since that is not always easy for me to do. Trying to cut back on bread and pure sweets. Colleen I'm also a Type 2 diabetic and try to balance my carb intake over the course of a day focusing more on fruits and veggies. I love my bread and potatoes so it's a challenge for me! Blood sugar is under control and I take Metformin. My A1c has gone down since 18 months ago when I was diagnosed and my good cholesterol is rising thanks to exercising.

    So here's to August:drinker:


    Thanks Jenny for the warm welcome. My blood sugar has been under control but it has and probably always will run higher than a "normal" person. I also take Melformin. My A1c is 6 which is great and right in the normal range. About 2 years ago I started noticing the numbing and tingling in my feet. That's when I found out about the neuropathy. Unfortunately because of my thyroid disorder I can't take anything for it. In the last 6 months I've been able to lessen the episodes so that it doesn't interfere so much with my life. I've come to terms with not being able to reverse the damage that is already done. One of my goals on my life's journey is to make sure that it doesn't get worse. With that said, I am stronger, more energetic and full of life than I have been in a long time and I can honestly say its because I'm taking care of me first!

    I look forward to widening my MFP family.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I would love to join you. My only cardio had been Leslie's dvds. I love her workouts. I try to walk 120 miles with her monthly, about 60 minutes a day.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I'd love to join as well! I've just joined a walking group and am in a Check in Challenge where I have goals each week.

    Going to ponder on some of the goals I'd like to achieve successfully this month.

    Great to be a part of such a friendly group..thanks for making us 'newbies' this month welcome!:heart:
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    well the move is finally done. and for a treat I bought the "Punch up your walk" Only did 2 miles, but have to start somewhere. My goal for August will be 50 miles.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hello Girls, I am back on the program. I have been exercising regularly and lost only 1 pound last month, but I am happy to claim it.
    Missed you all but just haven't had time to post.

    Enough talkin, time to get walkin, Alice
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good morning, everyone and WELCOME to all our new walkers!

    Sandy--Thank you for starting the new thread!

    I'm running a little late so I'll try to get back here later!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    So many new friends! Great! Welcome to all and hope you stay with us. We check in with each other when ever we feel like it. I was lazy yesterday so I plan to go to the gym after work and burn some calories. Can't take too many days off or I have a hard time getting back on track. Still need to curb my eating of sweets and fat...

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    2.5 miles walking the hill, up and down, up and down, in nice loose sand! Great workout but hotter than Hades!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Glad to see you all back this month. Leslie, we've missed you!

    Welcome to all the new members. I hope you enjoy the group as much as I have and we're glad to have you with us.

    Just a little history for the new guys. We started out mainly as a walking group but as we stuck with it we just began branching out to other things to keep us motivated. I am / was type 2 diabetic but after about 7 months of MFP I was able to completely stop my diabetes medications. I"m still on blood pressure medicine but a much lower dose. I've been exercising for about 16 months and I know I wouldn't have kept at it without this group.

    I think it would be great if you returning members want give a little recap. I know some of you have been here a long time and you deserve a shout out! :flowerforyou:

    I may not be able to move tomorrow. I tried out the Jillian Michaels shred it with weights. Parts of it are pretty rough but most of it was within my abilities. Now I just have to keep it up!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    well the move is finally done. and for a treat I bought the "Punch up your walk" Only did 2 miles, but have to start somewhere. My goal for August will be 50 miles.

    I love the Punch up your Walk, it's one of my favorites.
  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
    I would like to join. I do Leslie Sansone's WATP Express. I try to do 2 miles a day 6 days a week, so in a month that would be 48 miles. Is that too few? I did only 1 tonight because I did a lot of running around after I got off work. Thanks for doing this.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Welcome to more and more new friends! Wow what a great response to the new thread!

    My name is Jenny and I joined MFP January 3rd, 2011. I saw this thread the beginning of February and have been chatting with everyone on it almost daily since then. I believe this thread and one other I'm on have kept me coming back every day to log and chat as I move forward on my journey to better health. I had said earlier I'm a Type 2 diabetic but am learning to manage my exercise and food intake, balance carbs, etc. My goal would be to get off Metformin, lose a total of 50-60 pounds over the next 18 - 24 months, and feel more energetic and healthy. I've lost 18 very slowly since January 3rd. I view this as a lifestyle not a diet and still eat what I want in moderation but try to exercise consistently. Doing the monthly challenge for walking/exercising has kept me more on track than I've ever been before.

    So glad you have all joined us!
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    Yea got 2 miles in this morning.
    I really got serious about my fitness August 2010. My goal is to change my lifestyle not just to lose weight. So my goal is to lose 40 lbs in a 2 year time frame. Well maybe now 2.5 LOL.
    But you keep at it. That weight didn't come on overnight and it sure won't come off over night.
    wouldn't be where I am without this group. Take a bow group you deserve it :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Happy Tuesday, everyone!

    I'm Kathy and I have been with this thread since it started. I am 55 and have been struggling to lose the last 40 or so pounds (I've already lost 80).
    I am an emotional eater and tend to eat in response to just about ANY situation--good or bad. I have a fairly labor-intensive job and walk outside or with videos. I used to do a lot more but am slowly getting back to that.
    I keep things pretty low-impact due to old leg injuries but I love to walk!

    Welcome to all our new members!
  • binkybaby1
    binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
    Happy Tuesday Ladies! Its so nice to meet all of you. Was able to finally get back on the treadmill this morning. I'll tell ya when your away from exercise for a week or two you really feel it when you start up again.

    I hope everyone has a fantastic Tuesday full of good food choices, lots of water and movement!
  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
    If any of you want to add me as a friend go ahead. The more the merrier.

    How do you change the ticker when you walk more miles? I walked 2 today and need to add it to the ticker to change it.