Hello to all from another "newbie" to the site!

edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, my name is Connie. Basic info.: Happily married , one son, 22, tired of barely functioning and ready to live life to the fullest! I really have to do it this time, my hapiness, health and lifespan depend on it. My family and my doctor have been so supportive, but I know they can't do this for me. I have to do it. But I look forward to their support and all of my new - found buddies on MFP! My doctor actually suggested the site - glad he did - news to me. I am 42, never had any weight prob. until mid 20's , but since then I keep climbing to the point of not just uncomfortable, but miserable - froom 100lbs. to over 300. I keep saying "I'm trying", but i know I have to "do it" and stick with it. I 've had chronic back, leg, feet pain for years, but now my triglycerides are up slightly, and my sugar is still running a little high ( has been for several months now). I am having difficuly admitting I have diabetes. I have been an RN in a busy hospital for 21 years and have seen the effects of it. I've "let myself go" long enough - this is not who I am - I hardly recognize myself . I have been thinking to myself lately how I should be enjoying this phase of my life, our son is out of college, I work 3 alternating with 2 twelve hr. shifts/wk. . I don't have an excuse of "no time". Actually, I could go shopping, go to the spa, catch a movie, clean my house!, etc. and enjoy my days off if it wasn't for the fact that I would rather sleep and eat and be miserable. I really need to "get it together". Because while it's true it's very hard to do, I do have a lot of pain, and it's hard to get started when you stay exhausted,etc., etc., it's even harder to keep living like this. So I'm happy to be here because I look forward to my journey with all of you!


  • Jazzyjules71
    Jazzyjules71 Posts: 150 Member
    HI Connie, I just joined yesterday and your message caught my eye! I am a nurse too (nurse practitioner now), and can relate to being a health care professional who is also struggling with their own health troubles! I am turning 40 in 2 weeks and decided it's time to take my life into my own hands! Start caring about myself as much as eveyone else!

    Anyway, welcome and feel free to friend me if you want to share your experiences with another nurse! To let you know where I"m at, I'm 5'10 and hoping to lose 60 pounds. IT's day 2 for me....... lol

    Good luck!
  • jtalbot06
    jtalbot06 Posts: 17 Member
    Welcome Connie!! This is a great site for motivation and support. I know what it's like to finally admit that you have to stop kidding yourself about not having the time to take care of yourself!! I was there for years. Feel free to add me if you like. Things I have found helpful on this site: 1. Always log, even if you know you're having an off day 2. Talk to people on the site. Stay connected. They will help keep you motivated. 3. Remember, a bad moment doesn't define you. It's what you do next to get past it that matters. :)

    Welcome to the family.. Good Luck!!
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