Does anyone use Wii EA Sports Active 2

I workout with my Wii. I was wondering if anyone else uses this and would like to join my workout group. I am currently in phase 3 of the 9 week challenge. I am in a group that everyone has stopped working out and get no motivation from. Friends make it fun even if we are not doing it in the same place or time. Come workout with me!!


  • TooManyKids06
    I have it for Kinect on the Xbox. I set up a profile when I first got it but haven't really used it. But I'd love to start up with you if you'd like! Feel free to add me as a friend on here!
  • 1013arleen
    I am new here an I work out with my wii as well with Wii Fit and Wi Zumba. The onlyother I have is Wii Ski. I absolutely love it. What games are you using and what works the best for you? I would love to join....can you work out together online through Wii internet?
  • tcdawley78
    tcdawley78 Posts: 69 Member
    I had ea sports, but found I never used it, and was mostly using wiifit... I think the cartoon-y-ness seems to motivate me more (go figure) :-)
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    my husband just got it for me because it's too hot to workout outside!! I'd love to get and give motivation!!!
  • Arwen1922
    Arwen1922 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks guys!! Anyone else?
  • Rabbittrax
    I'll join in, too. I'm one of those who purchased all the Wii Fit stuff when we bought the system but never actually used it. I'll brush the dust off the boxes in the morning (August 1) and get started. It's hard to exercise for long periods right now because I'm in the last stages of mending a fractured tibia but I'll do as much as I can each day. It will be great to have someone to share this with. Thanks for starting the group.
  • haylz24
    haylz24 Posts: 225
    I'm new here too! And I've been using ea sa2 for just over 2 weeks. I'm doing the cardio kickstart. Nearly finished so will start 9 week challenge soon. Add me if you like :)
  • Rabbittrax
    Big diasppointment yesterday. Got my Wii fit stuff out and tried to hook it up so I could begin m workout. We've tried everything but can't get the game console to talk to the TV so I'm out of luck for now. Ever since the lightning strike that took out our last TV, we've had trouble with a lot of our electronics. The Wii is new so we know it's ok. Must be something else that was damaged that we haven't found yet. I guess I'll have to find another way to get my indoor exercise done because it's way too hot to go outside this week!
  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    I've been using it. I have it on the ps3 though. I wore my hrm whilst doing my workout today and my hrm said i burned 250 calories whilst the EA sports said I burnt 96 :ohwell:

    Im enjoying it though... more so since I gave up using the resistance band and use my weights instead :laugh: