short and chunky :/

let's start with the basics;
name: Gabrielle Shannon
age: 20 years
height: it varies between 5 and 5'1
heaviest weight: 223+ pounds
current weight: 209-210 pounds
goal weight: well, i'd like to get down to 150 and go from there...

I enjoy this site very much. It definitely helps to keep me semi on track. I have my faults, but I am doing everything to help myself reach that goal. Problem is, as your typical food addict, I enjoy food all too much... emotional, bored, lack of feeling full, etc. I can't stress how much I let food rule my life. I don't want to do that any more. Besides, I would actually enjoy to look at myself in the mirror and be like, " damn, I look pretty good." haha

I would enjoy some friends and motivation and I would be happy to do so in return :)<3 xo


  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Short and chunky? Not for long! Well, at least not chunky! :smile: Rock it out!

    PS I'm 5'1.5 LOL the point-5 matters!
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Best of luck to you! Feel free to send me a friend request if you like!
  • AllenBody
  • gabrielleshannonhatt
    agreed, the points matter.
    i like to say im 5'1 but everytime i visit the doctors they tell me something different, usually shorter than.
  • farrellb2
    farrellb2 Posts: 120
    let's start with the basics;
    name: Gabrielle Shannon
    age: 20 years
    height: it varies between 5 and 5'1
    heaviest weight: 223+ pounds
    current weight: 209-210 pounds
    goal weight: well, i'd like to get down to 150 and go from there...

    I enjoy this site very much. It definitely helps to keep me semi on track. I have my faults, but I am doing everything to help myself reach that goal. Problem is, as your typical food addict, I enjoy food all too much... emotional, bored, lack of feeling full, etc. I can't stress how much I let food rule my life. I don't want to do that any more. Besides, I would actually enjoy to look at myself in the mirror and be like, " damn, I look pretty good." haha

    I would enjoy some friends and motivation and I would be happy to do so in return :)<3 xo

    First off welcome I'm Brittany, I just turned 19 mid June.. I have found that when I get frustrated, angry, bored, sad, happy, whatever, I try to avoid my kitchen and my families "junk food cabinet" (I have a 14 year old brother who's growing and basically eats all the food in the "junk food cabinet" so I dont have to worry too much about that), but I do find it's super easy to just pop a sugar free tic tac, mint, or gum in my mouth and it stops my need to eat when I'm happy, sad, angry, bored, etc.

    My mom found that putting her least flattering picture of her as her computer screen background, and on her mirror and desk also helped motivate her to lose weight-which I have done also and it has helped, because you see that "icky" photo of urself everyday and go "God I look like that!? definitely should put down that chocolate bar I'm about to eat."

    Or motivational sayings work really good too!
    Again welcome! and the best of luck to you!
  • mescla
    mescla Posts: 56
    I know what you mean, im 5 '3 and my heaviest was 295 with my third child.. Feel free to add me..
  • sbrown44
    sbrown44 Posts: 82
    LOL, short and chunky. Fits me to a tee! I'm 4'11 and something but again it varies as I Dr likes to say. Feel free to add me if you would like. More friends=better motivation!
  • gabrielleshannonhatt
    let's start with the basics;
    name: Gabrielle Shannon
    age: 20 years
    height: it varies between 5 and 5'1
    heaviest weight: 223+ pounds
    current weight: 209-210 pounds
    goal weight: well, i'd like to get down to 150 and go from there...

    I enjoy this site very much. It definitely helps to keep me semi on track. I have my faults, but I am doing everything to help myself reach that goal. Problem is, as your typical food addict, I enjoy food all too much... emotional, bored, lack of feeling full, etc. I can't stress how much I let food rule my life. I don't want to do that any more. Besides, I would actually enjoy to look at myself in the mirror and be like, " damn, I look pretty good." haha

    I would enjoy some friends and motivation and I would be happy to do so in return :)<3 xo

    First off welcome I'm Brittany, I just turned 19 mid June.. I have found that when I get frustrated, angry, bored, sad, happy, whatever, I try to avoid my kitchen and my families "junk food cabinet" (I have a 14 year old brother who's growing and basically eats all the food in the "junk food cabinet" so I dont have to worry too much about that), but I do find it's super easy to just pop a sugar free tic tac, mint, or gum in my mouth and it stops my need to eat when I'm happy, sad, angry, bored, etc.

    My mom found that putting her least flattering picture of her as her computer screen background, and on her mirror and desk also helped motivate her to lose weight-which I have done also and it has helped, because you see that "icky" photo of urself everyday and go "God I look like that!? definitely should put down that chocolate bar I'm about to eat."

    Or motivational sayings work really good too!
    Again welcome! and the best of luck to you!

    Thank you for the helpful tips. I'll definitely try them out. I really appreciate it :D
  • TheresaMichelle90
    Yes! I am 21 and 5'1.5 as well!! I'm also looking for more friends for motivation. Feel free to add or message me and good luck!
  • Quarantined
    Congrats on deciding to take back control over food! I'm a mega-shorty too - I know how hard it can be. There's just no where for the weight to go on us!
    I'm going to add you. :D

    Edit: I'm 5'1 as well.
  • jessicas082409
    jessicas082409 Posts: 75 Member
    Aww it starts to get easier to get out from under the food once you see what you're eating in calories, carbs and fats. Instead of picking up the cheetos and ice cream(Dont judge my weaknesses LOL) and thinking "oh a couple bites wont hurt" it's kind of in my head now thinking "ok there's a ton of fat in this and if i eat this i'm going to go over calories.. is there anything else i can have so I don't feel guilty for eating" I still get off track but once you see the numbers going down on the scale or even seeing the little definition in your legs it starts motivating you more. I'm 5'3 and curvy...and I love baking and I understand what you're going through. Good luck and feel free to add me :D