Another exercise calories question

So, I know that this question is asked at least once a week..but everytime I find a post about it the replies are usually mixed so I never know what is actually right to do. With this MFP program are we supposed to be eating any, some or all of the calories burned by exercise back? I've heard some people say no, and I've heard some people say half (or only when you're very hungry and you need something to fall back on) and I've heard some people say yes, all of them. I am very confused. I don't want to make any speculations because I'm not an expert at this, so please help me if you know the answer!

Thanks and hope you all have a great start to a new month!


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    According to MFP., yes you should be eating them back because it has already figured a deficit into your daily calorie needs when you put all your information in.

    That being said - some people will say only eat part of them if you aren't using a HRM because machines, MFP and everything is just a guess on calories burned.

    You'll have to figure out what works for YOU. There's no way any of us can tell you "do this or do that" because we are all different.

    I personally eat my calories back - usually I eat every last one of them because I am hungry, my body tells me it needs it and I do know if I am too low on calories, I gain weight.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    This is a very hot topic :explode:

    My opinion is to make sure you are eating all your goal calories
    and any of the exercise calories you feel comfortable eating,
    there are days (like today) when it would be impossible for me to eat
    all the exercise calories back, (see my diary)
    I have also checked with my doctor he says as long as you are satisfied
    and eating well balanced meals no need to worry about eating more than
    your comfortable with.
  • raj73
    raj73 Posts: 11
    great work. I eat them too and i am still losing weight
  • daad13
    daad13 Posts: 68
    According to MFP., yes you should be eating them back because it has already figured a deficit into your daily calorie needs when you put all your information in.

    That being said - some people will say only eat part of them if you aren't using a HRM because machines, MFP and everything is just a guess on calories burned.

    You'll have to figure out what works for YOU. There's no way any of us can tell you "do this or do that" because we are all different.

    I personally eat my calories back - usually I eat every last one of them because I am hungry, my body tells me it needs it and I do know if I am too low on calories, I gain weight.

    The same goes for me, I usually do eat a lot of my exercise calories back because I'm usually really hungry after a work out. I guess I just have to stick with MFP long enough to know what works with me. I never thought about how much of the MFP exercise database is based on guesses and how much of it could be off by a little or a lot, but that's really interesting and good to know. Thanks for your reply!
  • rafor
    rafor Posts: 78 Member
    The answer is totally different for each person. Me, I will eat some of them back if I am hungry. However, I try to eat just enough to be full and happy. If you are getting quite hungry after exercising, then eat your exercise calories. If you just don't feel hungry, no biggie. The main thing is, listen to your body and give it what it needs.
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    When im under 1200 calories for the day with NO exercise MFP tell me that your not eating enough blah blah blah....but when I DO eat 1200 and exercise and my NET is below 1200 it does NOT say in my way of seeing it MFP does not count exercise calories back into what you must eat, if it did it would tell you you are not eating enough if your NET was below it on exercise days.....
  • zeuse
    zeuse Posts: 15
    It's all a matter of your calorie needs, if you're striving for fat loss then you'll need your 500 Calorie deficit, be it through exercise or minimal calorie consumption. You can mix both to increase the fat loss, if i'm going for loss; what i burn off with my cardio i keep off, but only if its withing my 500 calorie range, otherwise i'll lose weight faster than i want, hope this helps clear it up.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    This is a very hot topic :explode:

    My opinion is to make sure you are eating all your goal calories
    and any of the exercise calories you feel comfortable eating,
    there are days (like today) when it would be impossible for me to eat
    all the exercise calories back, (see my diary)
    I have also checked with my doctor he says as long as you are satisfied
    and eating well balanced meals no need to worry about eating more than
    your comfortable with.

    This is super sensitive and anyone who's been around for a bit has an opinion on this... But I agree with the above suggestion.
    There are days that you aren't going to eat all your cals there are going to be days when you all of them and some of your friends. In the end what really matters is that you're eating healthy, well balanced meals (getting all your nutrients) and coming in with an overall deficit for the week (thanks to exercise and/or calorie control). Stick with it- give it some time (a month or two) and if you're not seeing the results you want make changes.

    Good luck!
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Said another way, if you eat your daily MFP calorie allotment, and you eat all of your exercise calories, then you will continue to lose at the goal rate that you set, plus you will be healthier from the exercise, and presumably be boosting your metabolism via exercise. I believe that the official MFP position is to eat your exercise calories, because, after all, you set your goals, and if you eat them, you will stay within your goals.

    If you do not eat all of your exercise calories, but you are still eating balanced diet and you are not hungry, and you are eating your daily caloric requirement, then presumably, you will lose at an accelerated pace.

    I vary day to day on this point. I have no rule for myself. I eat them or some of them or none of them depending upon how hungry I feel and my social calendar. I great appreciate the ability to exercise and eat more certain days knowing I am on track for losing at my designated rate.

    I'm in this for the long haul, so I need a plan that works, and one that is not too rigid.