Holy Unforeseen Carbs, Batman!

I'm kicking myself in the backside. On a couple of occasions, I'd waved off my mother as she told me I should eat as much as I could at home because it was impossible to know what every restaurant used when cooking things. Well, I've dropped almost 20lbs in the past 3 weeks on a medically supervised no/low carb/high protein diet and there I am, happily munching down an order of Denny's Grilled Shrimp Skewers. Mmmmmm, so good, I think I'll get another order... munch, munch, munch... mmmmmm


Imagine that... they take a pure piece of natural protein with ZERO carbs and jam about 8 carbs onto each shrimp, through the seasoning, presumably. Who cares. It's blown, that's for sure, but thank god I found out... and quite by accident. I've temporarily misplaced my food diary so, instead of just jotting down basic numbers they gave me (like 35 cals per 1 oz of shrimp), I jumped online to continue keeping track and here, on MFP, I found out the naked truth... 39 carbs per order of shrimp.

WTF, yay me!!! Way to go me!!!

Anyways, so, I've got to go through the train wreck of transitioning into ketosis again. Yippeee... actually, I don't mind that much. For some reason, the suffering makes me think I'm making progress. lol But I'm going to hammer out an extra 15 min on the elliptical each day all this week to make up for it. I believe there has to be such make-up calls... not just forgiving myself and moving on, but actually *disciplining myself* for the mistake.

Alright, just thought I'd share this in case any of you have a habit of adding in outside foods without actually checking them too closely. There's hidden stuff in them there foods!!

Best wishes to all,


  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    See, you should listen to your mom! :)

    I have two boys and they don't listen to me either ;)
  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    I'm kicking myself in the backside. On a couple of occasions, I'd waved off my mother as she told me I should eat as much as I could at home because it was impossible to know what every restaurant used when cooking things. Well, I've dropped almost 20lbs in the past 3 weeks on a medically supervised no/low carb/high protein diet and there I am, happily munching down an order of Denny's Grilled Shrimp Skewers. Mmmmmm, so good, I think I'll get another order... munch, munch, munch... mmmmmm


    Imagine that... they take a pure piece of natural protein with ZERO carbs and jam about 8 carbs onto each shrimp, through the seasoning, presumably. Who cares. It's blown, that's for sure, but thank god I found out... and quite by accident. I've temporarily misplaced my food diary so, instead of just jotting down basic numbers they gave me (like 35 cals per 1 oz of shrimp), I jumped online to continue keeping track and here, on MFP, I found out the naked truth... 39 carbs per order of shrimp.

    WTF, yay me!!! Way to go me!!!
    According to this site:


    The meal comes with rice pilaf. I would imagine the carbs came from there. If you didn't order/eat the rice, I would imagine you're safe.
  • Uronlydreaming
    Uronlydreaming Posts: 28 Member
    See, you should listen to your mom! :)

    I have two boys and they don't listen to me either ;)
    Sorry, mom!
    According to this site:


    The meal comes with rice pilaf. I would imagine the carbs came from there. If you didn't order/eat the rice, I would imagine you're safe.
    You could be right but I looked at a couple places under "Grilled Shrimp Skewers (no sides)" and thats where I saw the carbs.

    I certainly hope youre right, though!
