Weight gain after starting the ocp ~the pill/ and quit smoki

Hello all,

I have gained 11 pounds since starting ocp ( the pill) last month.
My appetitie has definatley increased although I am trying very hard to eat healthy but find myself hungry all the time.

I am exercising 4 times a week mixture of cardio, core strength and back strengthing exercises but this amount of weight gain is so upsetting!

I have now stretch marks on my buttocks from the rapid weight gain.......my breasts have def increased also. Some of this weight gain has to be fluid retention? .I'm hoping! I could never have consumed enough calories to contribute to 11lbs weight gain!

I'm quite upset over this, but will continue at the gym and with my 'healthy' eating (try to avoid the jaffa cake cravings at night!).

I was wondering if any one else has had an experience like this.....in relation to Starting the pill..or if it is related.

I also gave up cigarettes in March and now finished nicotine replacement so that is another reason I am hungry ALL THE TIME!!!

Many thanks!..........sorry if I sound very moany but it feels good to have a vent! Family/Friends....don't want to bore them!