9-5 Challenge...Week 2 (closed group)

I am going to try to do weekly threads. So for this week, we can just post on this thread. Post as often as you like, but at least try for once a day. Remember, the point is to create accountability. So be honest, and don't be embarrassed! We are all in the same boat.

These are the participants:


Week 2: So, how did everyone do this week? Let us know what worked, what didn't, the good, the bad, and the ugly!

Also, everyone needs to either post their weight to this thread TODAY, or send it to me in a message. Even if you weighed in earlier this week, post the number again to this thread. I need to know who our active participants are, and who we've lost along the way.

The Challenge for Week 2 is to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Your body must burn calories to take in the fluid, warm it up, and use it. And since water has no calories, it's like drinking negative calories. Every cell in your body, every function, needs water. So let's focus on that this week!


  • PianoRaven
    I've lost 1.2 lbs this week. However, I don't feel that I did my best. I wasn't focused and made some bad choices. Plus, I only worked out twice. Ugh. But, a loss is a loss, right?

    But it's a new week and a new month. I've got my head back in the game!
  • scooterboy2003
    I'm still in and enjoying our challenge. Thank you piano raven. I have cut my food portions in half from my begining weight July 11. In addition to my normal exercise (mainly yard work and labor for 4 members of my family) I got out my bicycle and ride 8.5 miles per day in hilly terrain. Have not missed a day since I started.

    Mon, Aug 1 week 1 weigh in
    Beginning weight July 11 248.8
    Beginning challenge weight July 25 233.4
    Aug 1 weight 227.0
    Total loss 21.8
    Week 1 challenge loss 6.4 pounds

    woo hoo!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    I lost a total of 0.8lbs last week. I didn't make the best choices some days. I did find, however, that this is my first loss in a few weeks...and it came after changing my goal to 1lb a week instead of 2, which gave me 200 extra calories a day. Maybe that's what I needed. :happy:

    Hopefully my physical therapy will be finished up this week. And as soon as we start working on the new house, I will be getting more exercise in :smile:

    I must say, though, August came far too quick for me. :tongue:

    Challenge start weight 174.2
    Week 2 start weight 173.4
    Challenge goal weight 165
  • tjandjmkahrs
    tjandjmkahrs Posts: 53 Member
    I had a bad week!! I gained! 2.4 I think that some of it is muscle, I started the 30 Day Shred, or water weigh due to muscle gain. But I also did not have the best week food wise. I didn't track as thoroughly as I have been and the food choices were not always the best. There was one day that I didn't eat nearly enough calories either.

    This week will be better. I will work out more then twice, and I will make good choices regarding what I put in my mouth.
  • tjandjmkahrs
    tjandjmkahrs Posts: 53 Member
    I forgot to add! :blushing:

    Challenge start weight 189.8
    Week 2 start weight 192.2
    Challenge goal weight 160
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Week 1 Weigh In (7/25): 316.2
    Week 2 Weigh In (8/1): 310.2

    Goal Weight: 305

    6 lb loss! Woot! I'm thinking my overall goal weight is going to need to be updated.......We'll see how this week goes.
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    SW for challenge: 193.6
    CW: 189.5
    Total loss: 4.1 pounds.

    I tried IF for the weekend, and while it's results seemed okay (not entirely sure) I don't know if I can do the fast everyday with working out. I may try the 24 hour one on Sunday's or something to that effect. I'm happy my splurge with pizza and cookies when my friend visited didn't affect me even though I kept it under my limit.
  • AriannaInIdaho
    Current weight 322.2
  • gmhvin
    gmhvin Posts: 29 Member
    Well, I didn't do as well as I wanted, but I still lost a little. Time to get the rear in gear!

    Challenge SW: 218.0
    Current: 217.4

    Loss: .6

    Have a great day!

  • lmontelongo1
    Starting weight 162
    Today's weight 161

    not the best, but I have been lifting more weights and have not been doing as much cardio so I will up the cardio this week.
  • jbiancad
    jbiancad Posts: 66 Member
    I forgot what my starting weight was for the challenge. I think it was 174 but today I weighed in at 172.1
    I have also starting the 30 day shred and im on day 3. Along with that I also do pilates and 2 of Leslie sansones Dvds.
  • Julijulz
    Julijulz Posts: 119 Member
    Hey guys...It's a wonderful week for me in a sense. I am up 5lbs, but it's a good 5lbs. I went from 239 to 244lbs. I just started lifting weight with my husband about 2 weeks ago and have yet to shake my muscle retention water off. Also, it's that time of the month this week, so no luck there in losing the water weight. But I assure you all that I am counting calories, logging it, working out, and holding myself accountable for everything. I'm just in a transitional state at the present moment with my muscles. But I'm excited and not letting it discourage me. I hope you all are doing well!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    SW: 239lbs
    CW: 244lbs
    GW: 219lbs

    :heart: Julia :heart:
  • Julijulz
    Julijulz Posts: 119 Member
    Starting weight 162
    Today's weight 161

    not the best, but I have been lifting more weights and have not been doing as much cardio so I will up the cardio this week.

    If you are lifting more weight this week, then you are probably holding water like me. Make sure you keep your heartrate at 65% when doing your cardio on the days you lift. Lifting is anaerobic, so you don't want to double do it on your muscles for those days. I just learned this that. So I thought I would share it with you. :smile:
  • arkenny
    arkenny Posts: 125
    no change.... 170 :(
  • lmontelongo1
    Starting weight 162
    Today's weight 161

    not the best, but I have been lifting more weights and have not been doing as much cardio so I will up the cardio this week.

    If you are lifting more weight this week, then you are probably holding water like me. Make sure you keep your heartrate at 65% when doing your cardio on the days you lift. Lifting is anaerobic, so you don't want to double do it on your muscles for those days. I just learned this that. So I thought I would share it with you. :smile:

    Thanks for the info! I will definitely keep that in mind this week. :) I also changed my settings to lose 1 lb a week vs 2 lbs a week so I hope that helps as well.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I had signed up on the initial thread and then didn't know there was another to come to, as I was on vacation and nothing was posted on the original thread. I would really still like to participate.

    Let me know, and I'll update everything.
  • vanzandtsusan
    Week 2: 162
  • PianoRaven
    k2quiere: You can join. I was trying to limit it to the first 15 people to respond, because I wanted to keep the group small. But the most important factor is getting people who will post often and stay motivated. If that's you, join us!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    That's me...just let me know what I need to do. Start weight last Sunday was 334.6 and weigh-in this morning was 333.6. Feels great to actually be down one pound after a week's vacation in cities known for food.
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    That's me...just let me know what I need to do. Start weight last Sunday was 334.6 and weigh-in this morning was 333.6. Feels great to actually be down one pound after a week's vacation in cities known for food.

    Where were you on vacation????