Pregnancy – August 2011



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hey ladies.....Just wanted to hop on to say a quick hello. I still read up to stay caught up but I'm still o. He iPhone so I don't post much. Baby and I are doing well she's back up to 9.5 after losing a lb I second guess myself w her feeding I try to wake her up ever 2-3 hrs if she wanted to could probably sleep up to five. I really hope she's getting enough to eat and we've been dealing w gas so she's been up at night hoping thus improves so racheal I know what you mean w being sleep deprived. I think I get 3 hrs here and there if I'm lucky.

    Thank u all for the encouragement w my last post baby has one bowel movement a day now for the last four days usually in the evening it looks like it's still transitioning from meconium to breast milk.

    Glad to hear from you! I am glad she is doing well. It sounds like she is doing just fine as long as she is gaining! I am sure she is getting enough to eat (even though I do the same exact thing worry about it). We woke Elise up every 2-3 hours (she now does it all by herself) but our dr. said once she was gaining weight back we could let her sleep until she wakes up.

    How are you feeling?
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Hi all. First of all, I really want to say I am sorry I am not much of a contributor lately/commenting to everyone personally. Normally I am, but I just don't have it in me right now.

    My ultrasound puts baby at 8lbs 6 oz today, plus or minus 1lb. So not crazy big or anything. The OB I saw today encouraged me that I could do it on my own, being a big girl and all. I have faith. He did say though that if I go overdue, they may want to look at inducing me earlier rather than later (after the other dr told me it's illegal in Canada to induce unless there is a medical reason? I don't get it. Perhaps if I am past 40 weeks that counts as a medical reason.)

    If offered the induction a week from now, I would probably refuse.

    Ultrasound tech said that my placenta is starting to calcify, but that it is normal for this point.

    I am feeling a lot of "twinges". A ton more today than usual. I also really feel as though the baby is lower, even if just since yesterday. Maybe we will have a baby soon, maybe not. Either way I am excited.

    Meokk- To answer your question- I will take the check next time. It was really not a big deal at all- no speculum or anything was used, just the drs hand. It was not uncomfortable at all for me.

    I think there were a couple other questions- with the bladder infections I have had I never really knew I had them, they just showed up in my urine samples. The one time I did think I had one I did not (just the baby putting lots of pressure). Now that I know I have one I can kind of feel it, but its not so bad. More antibiotics though so that can't be all that great for me... dr said it is very common in pregnancy.
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I had the best blood glucose numbers this morning since I've been testing at 24 weeks so the Insulin must be kicking in. However, I had a small amount of Ketones in my urine this morning. I'm assuming it's because I was slightly dehydrated or because I didn't eat properly yesterday. I'll put a call in to the nurse at the Diabetic Clinic later this morning to discuss my numbers and the Ketone issue. Hopefully it's nothing.

    TGIF - not because it's been a long week or anything. Hubby is off this weekend and he's taking Monday and Tuesday off as well. I cannot remember the last time we've spent 4 consecutive days together. We'll be busy on Mon. and Tues though but at least we'll be busy together for a change.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hey ladies.... know something crazy? today is my due date ... if I hadn't induced 2 weeks early there is a great possibility i would still be pregnant.... it is so crazy to imagine Elise not being here yet... and me still throwing up :noway:

    typing 1 handed so can"t respond now.... xoxo :heart:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Congrats Mommarandall! So happy to hear about you and baby Charli.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Jen, thanks for the book advice. I do swaddle her, but usually she moves and kicks so much until her hands and legs are free. She'll stay swaddled longer though if I leave her hands out. She likes them near her face.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Victoria – I know you didn’t ask me, but I probably won’t decline the internal check. I know the “progress” of lack thereof doesn’t really mean anything, but I’m too curious for my own good.

    Caperfae – I forgot how close are due dates are! Glad you BP is looking good, and yea for good glucose numbers!

    Melissa – my bras are getting uncomfortable too. I’m thinking about getting a nursing bra, since I’ll need some anyway in few weeks, and just start wearing them.

    Mamarandall – congratulations!!! So glad you’re both doing well. Wow, 36 hours and no pain meds? :noway: You are awesome!!!

    Katrina – yea for getting off of easy rest! And 10 pounds at 20 weeks is awesome!

    Danielle – ahh next month!!!

    Regina – I have such a hard time not tasting the batter when I bake. I know I probably shouldn’t because of the raw eggs, but I can’t help myself. Sorry about your high BP. Good luck with the changed diet, I’m sure it would be almost impossible for me to stick to.

    Julz – I had a crappy food day yesterday too. The only thing baby would let me keep down was chocolate (yum) and my dinner at Olive Garden (double yum). Neither was a healthy option, but I’m still considering it a success since it stayed in me. So glad you got a place for the shower!!

    Maria – I was thinking about you the other day. Glad you’re both doing well! I agree with Anne, if she’s gaining weight then I’m sure she’s getting enough to eat.

    Rachel – I’m glad the OB supports you in delivering naturally.

    Anne – Happy due date!!! :laugh: :smile:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Didn’t get called into court yesterday!:smile: But one of the managers did say something to me about my shoes. I told her that I threw up in the car all over my shoes and the flip flops were the only other things I had with me. :indifferent: :embarassed: She said it was no problem.

    My friend and her husband are coming over tonight for dinner. She called to say she can’t make it to my baby shower (but wouldn’t tell me when it was) so she wants to come over and give me my preset now.

    Nothing really new here. I’m excited for my appointment next week because I get an ultrasound to determine how big she is and her lung development. I can’t wait to see her again!!! :heart: :bigsmile:
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Jen, thanks for the book advice. I do swaddle her, but usually she moves and kicks so much until her hands and legs are free. She'll stay swaddled longer though if I leave her hands out. She likes them near her face.

    Kayden did that to! I got the miracle blanket and never again! He did sleep better with that blanket to, strange. I will be using that right away this time around. I was told the moto reflex (when they jump) causes them to wake up at nights. So if you can keep their hands and arms at their sides at night it will promote longer sleep. Hey, anything is worth a shot right?:laugh: Good luck!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Elizabeth J - wow, that's a lot of stress leading up the ultrasound. Hoping that your baby is healthy and well next week

    Ronya - sorry you keep being sick

    Julz - what's an NST and an IFA ?? Well done finishing your classes! Yay for a shower space

    Mamarandall - so happy for you, congrats on your baby girl :flowerforyou:

    Katrina - that's fantastic news, well done taking care of yourself !

    Regina - best of luck with the healthy eating push and hoping your BP comes down

    Rachel - that sounds a bit better, not to have to worry about having a huge baby !

    So this whole going to give birth to a baby in a matter of weeks thing has really just settled in. Just having finalized the plans and the person who is going to cover for me during my leave has made it all quite real..... I'm also starting to look at my projects in a new light, knowing that I'm about to start some that I won't be around to finish..... yikes.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Victoria - NST is non stress test. The put heart rate and contraction monitors on my (just like when you're in labor) and watch the baby's heart rate for 20-30 minutes. They are looking for increases in heart rate that indicate good movement (and also to see what his heart does if I happen to have a contraction. I had 2 small ones, probably just BH). IFA is a check of the fluid using ultrasound to measure levels.
    Because I had an abnormal result on the 16 week quad-screening test, I get to go in every week now for these. They indicate placental health, to make sure baby is getting enough nutrients and oxygen from me. In a normal pregnancy, they don't generally do these (although there was a woman there for NST because of decreased fetal movement).

    Ronya - glad you got to keep down some good food. I love Olive Garden! And I finally like chocolate again. My brother bought me a bag of chocolate raspberry sticks, that's where most of my bad came from yesterday. But I balanced it out with home-made chili, which had surprisingly low calories, especially when you compare it with what you buy at the store. I hope this repeat of "morning" sickness doesn't stick around much longer for you!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Jen, thanks for the book advice. I do swaddle her, but usually she moves and kicks so much until her hands and legs are free. She'll stay swaddled longer though if I leave her hands out. She likes them near her face.

    Kayden did that to! I got the miracle blanket and never again! He did sleep better with that blanket to, strange. I will be using that right away this time around. I was told the moto reflex (when they jump) causes them to wake up at nights. So if you can keep their hands and arms at their sides at night it will promote longer sleep. Hey, anything is worth a shot right?:laugh: Good luck!

    I just ordered a miracle blanket from Amazon. Like you said, it's worth a shot. :smile:
  • KenzieKidwell
    KenzieKidwell Posts: 77 Member
    Hello again. I joined this group a while ago and then fell off the map. I am losing weight before we TTC baby number two. Khloe is 16mths now and I still feel like I have about 20lbs to go to be super healthy. I delivered her @ 232 and I will never see a number above 200 again even on the day I deliver baby x!!! I would love more support from people in similar situations. So add me if you need a new buddy!!!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Jen, thanks for the book advice. I do swaddle her, but usually she moves and kicks so much until her hands and legs are free. She'll stay swaddled longer though if I leave her hands out. She likes them near her face.

    Kayden did that to! I got the miracle blanket and never again! He did sleep better with that blanket to, strange. I will be using that right away this time around. I was told the moto reflex (when they jump) causes them to wake up at nights. So if you can keep their hands and arms at their sides at night it will promote longer sleep. Hey, anything is worth a shot right?:laugh: Good luck!

    I just ordered a miracle blanket from Amazon. Like you said, it's worth a shot. :smile:

    Let me know how it works! Elise is the same way wanting her hands by her face. I don't have the heart to swaddle them in yet... maybe as I get more tired :)

    Ps. Rachael, do we have the same baby?
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Victoria - NST is non stress test. The put heart rate and contraction monitors on my (just like when you're in labor) and watch the baby's heart rate for 20-30 minutes. They are looking for increases in heart rate that indicate good movement (and also to see what his heart does if I happen to have a contraction. I had 2 small ones, probably just BH). IFA is a check of the fluid using ultrasound to measure levels.
    Because I had an abnormal result on the 16 week quad-screening test, I get to go in every week now for these. They indicate placental health, to make sure baby is getting enough nutrients and oxygen from me. In a normal pregnancy, they don't generally do these (although there was a woman there for NST because of decreased fetal movement).

    I had one of these too at the end of my pregnancy because Elise's last US said she was going to be small and some of her percentiles were so low they wanted to check on her. They say the baby is safe to continue in the pregnancy and last for a week. I had mine monday (she did great 10/10) and had her friday but if I wasn't induced they would have done one every week.
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Regina- sorry about the high BP, i hope it calms down soon. good luck on your diet changes! do you bake just as a hobby? im missing baking so much! may get back into it soon to save some money on buying late night goodies :tongue:

    Julz- i feel like ive had a couple of crappy food days too. Though its been hard not to when we've had a dinner date with friends, a shared lunch at work and then its my birthday tomorrow when we will also be eating out most of the day :ohwell:

    ronya- Im inclined to agree about getting a nursing bra sooner rather than later although it may be too early for me, as my milk hasnt started to come in at all yet (no colostram (sp?) or anything) so im not sure if my breast size with drastically increase over the next couple of months? yay for pre-baby shower gifts! what did you get? Hope your ultrasound goes great :flowerforyou:

    As ive mentioned above ive had abit of a bad few days in terms of eating, partly due to going to dinner with friends, a work lunch and getting yummy treats as early birthday presents. As tomorrow is my birthday im going to let myself not worry about it for this day. I feel comforted in the fact that i am going to a work conference in seattle for 4 days from sunday and i will have plenty of time to make use of the hotel fitness center:smile: I have managed to refrain from going to the gym this week to give my body a needed break but i really did miss it and am looking forward to starting back again SLOWLY.

    I have an identical twin sister who is still living back in NZ and im certainly missing her. Not only because its birthday time, but also because I know how great it would have been to have her around during the pregnancy and at the birth :sad: at least skype was invented to stop me feeling totally disconnected.

    I'm not sure if anyone would be interested, or curious, but i have been recording an online pregnancy video vlog via youtube throughout my pregnancy, i update it weekly. if your bored go and check it out, and feel free to laugh at my weird kiwi/nz accent :laugh: :
  • nstjohn
    nstjohn Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm new to MFP and so far I'm loving it! I'm in group B...trying to conceive but trying to lose weight while I'm waiting for it to happen! Makes me nervous to try and lose weight and not knowing if I"m pregnant each month, but I think I'm doing ok :)
    Feel free to add me as a friend! :)
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member

    thanks, it cracked me and made me feel less guilty for all the instant netflix i've watched:laugh:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Anne. haha sounds like. Well, I guess any successes and advice on either end would benefit each of us. :wink: