Motivation?!....are you here?

Hello from Indiana!

Well, my name is Hailee and I've been married for 10 years with 3 wonderful children. I've always been bigger, on average around 220lbs. I've gone up and down (rarely down-mostly up) but never really "lost weight." In October of 2010 I auditioned for "The Biggest Loser" and of course was not chosen. It was after that I decided to try it on my own. I was already attending a zumba class periodically but decided to dedicate myself to that and eating healthier. Since then i've lost 45lbs and got down to 175lbs. Once I hit that point, everything stopped! I still do zumba 4 times/week and even go to the gym on my off days and walk/run the treadmill or spin class. I've always been mindful of what i'm eating but switch it up often to not allow my body to get comfortable.

Because of myfitnesspal, I realized I was eating too many calories. I was actually still eating the same number of calories as when I was 220lbs. So, now I try to stay at 1200 calories but finding it extremely difficult. Who eats that little?! I'm hungry and water isn't doing it!!

I seem to have lost my momentum and feel like i'm starting all over again. Have to learn what to to eat and most importantly, what NOT to eat.

I always appreciate help on low calorie, healthy options.

Thanks for stopping by!!


  • amycloutier
    amycloutier Posts: 6 Member
    Hey Hailee!

    How tall are you? 1200 calories sounds like you have MFP set to lose more than 1 pound per week. My recommendation, have it set to lose 1 pound per week. That should increase your daily calories. The biggest thing is not how quickly the pounds come off but that you can maintain this lifestyle forever.

    I eat 4-6 meals a day between 3-400 calories each. This depends on my workouts and my work/class schedule. It is better to give your body the nutrition it is telling you it needs than to deprive.

    You are doing awesome!
  • missys99
    missys99 Posts: 14 Member
    You can eat more than 1200 if you are that active! eat back the calories you earn and you will feel fuller! It is about net calories mostly. Also really look at what type of food you are eating. In the beginning of my journey I still ate whatever I wanted, just in smaller portions. Then guess what happened? My weight loss really slowed down after about 1.5 months in! Well when I looked back over my logs and changed my eating habits (less cheese and potato stuff... bye bye cheese fries once a week) I started to notice the scale moving again. Losing weight and getting in shape requires constant change and adjustment. Keep at it and you will get where you want to be. Good luck!
  • ETsambouris
    Don't fret! You are SO not alone lol. I have found that the type of calories I am eating make a huge difference. Sweet potato (yams) for example have less calories, but are filling like a starch, so you can eat more of them. I have found that eating the foods with the fewest calories aren't always the best option. Veggies have been my friends lol.
    I also agree with the other poster,....1200 seems too low. Definitely adjust it for a 1 pound loss.
    You can do it! Have faith in your self and lean on the people here when you need an extra push!!